quarta-feira, 23 de março de 2016

Um clássico da música iídiche: "Papirosn" / купите папиросы (letra em iídiche com a tradução inglesa)

Descrição do tema da canção e letras em iídiche e russo dadas por Michel Van Der Burg:
'Story – The song “Papirosn” (in English “Cigarettes”) is about a little boy all alone trying to survive: Wet, hungry, standing in the rain on a cold, foggy, night, a little boy is standing on the corner of a street begging: Please, buy my cigarettes, buy my matches! Help an orphan, save me from hunger! With no father or mother, and after a year roaming the streets together with his little sister, she also died, and he is now all alone, trying to survive." In 
Tradução inglesa:
Thanks to http://www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=papirosn

 (Letra em iídiche)
"A kalte nakht, a nebldike finster umetum
sheyt a yingele fartroiert un kukt zikh arum
Fun regn shtist im hor a vant,
A koshikl trogt er in hant,
un zayne oygn betn yedn shtum

Ikh hob shoyn nit keyn koyekh mer 
arumtsugeyn in gaz, hungerig un 
opgerizn fun dem regn naz. 
Ikh shlep arum zikh fun baginen, 
keyner git nisht tsu fardinen, 
ale lakhn, makhn fun mir shpaz. 

Kupitye koyft zhe, koyft zhe papirosn, 
trukene fun regn nisht fargozn. 
Koyft she bilik benemones, 
koyft un hot oyf mir rakhmones, 
ratevet fun hunger mikh atsind.. 
Kupitye koyft she shvebelakh antikn, 
dermit verd ir a yosiml derkvikn. 
Umzizt mayn shrayen un mayn loyfn, 
keyner vil bay mir nit koyfn, 
oysgeyn vel ikh muzn vi a hunt. 

Mayn tate in milkhome hot farloyrn zayne hent, 
mayn mame hot di tsores mer oyshaltn nisht gekent. 
Yung in keyver zi getribn, 
bin ikh oyf der velt farblibn, 
ungliklekh un elnt vi a shteyn. 
Breklekh klayb ikh oyf tsum ezn 
oyf dem kaltn mark, 
a harte bank iz mayn geleger in dem kaltn park. 
In dertsu di politziantn, shlog mikh shvern kantn, 
z'helft nit mayn betn, mayn geveyn. 

Ikh hob gehat a shvesterl, a kind fun der natur, 
mit mir tsusamen zikh geshlept hot zi a gants yor. 
Mit ir geven iz mir fil gringer, laykhter vern flegt 
der hunger, ven ikh fleg a kuk ton nor oyf ir. 
Mit amol gevorn iz zi shvakh un zeyer krank, 
oyf mayne hent iz zi geshtorbn oyf a gazn-bank. 
Un az ikh hob zi farloyrn, hob ikh alts ongevoyrn,
zol der toyt shoyn kumen oykh tsu mir."

Tradução inglesa:


"A cold night, foggy, and darkness everywhere
A boy
stands sadly and looks around.
Only a wall
protects him from the rain
He holds a
basket in his hand
and his
eyes beg everyone silently:

I don't
have any strength left
to walk the
streets hungry and
ragged, wet
from the rain,
I shlep
around from dawn.
gives me any earnings,
laughs and makes fun of me

Buy my
Dry ones,
not wet from the rain
Buy real
Buy and
have pity on me.
Save me
from hunger now
Buy my
matches, wonderful ones, the best,
and with
that you will uplift an orphan.
My screaming
and my running will be for naught.
wants to buy from me-
I will have
to perish like a dog.

My father
lost his hands in the war
My mother
couldn't bear her troubles
And was
driven to her grave at a young age
I was left
on this earth unhappy and alone like a stone
I gather
crumbs to eat in the *c*old market
A hard
bench in the cold park is my bed
and on top
of that, the police
beat me
with the edges of their swords and sticks
my pleas
and my cries are of no use.

I had a
little sister, a child of nature
Together we
shlepped around for an entire year.
When with
her, it was much easier for me.
My hunger'd
weaken when I glanced at her
she became weak and sick
died in my
arms on a street bench
And when I
lost her I lost everything
Let death
come already for me, too."

Nota descritiva dada pelo site:
This song
by "Der Poyets" (The Clown), HermanYablokoff, tells the tale of an
orphaned cigarette peddler freezing in the rain on a street corner. Papirosn
long ago entered the folk tradition, with several variants. One is the doina or
lament in Rumanian-Yiddish style; another is a rollicking dance-band version in
Klezmer style.
Notes from
Steward Hendrickson's homepage

Bulgarian Folk Tune
SINGER Mandy Patinkin Dudu Fisher
SHEET MUSIC    From the Virtual Klezmer website               


Não só pelo aspecto musical em si mas também pela pungente temática social, esta canção é realmente muito especial...evidentemente que isto não quer dizer que eu apoie o fumo, risos.

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