quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2012

O coentro ajuda a eliminar mercúrio e outros metais pesados do organismo

April 16 

CILANTRO FLUSHES MERCURY FROM THE BODY | High mercury levels stress the heart and other important organs. 1 fistful of ORGANIC CILANTRO a day for 10 days straight will flush your body of serious heavy metals that are nearly impossible to avoid in this generation. There is a compound in cilantro that mercury (and other heavy metals) binds to and then gets released through the urine as a natural chelation technique. The body cannot function properly w/ heavy metal accumulation and this is the cheapest way ($1) to solve it and release them from your body! Cilantro is your ally!

A extraordinária história do porco de estimação Christopher !

Amazon.com: The Good Good Pig: The Extraordinary Life of Christopher Hogwood (9780345496096): Sy Montgomery: Books

The Good Good Pig: The Extraordinary Life of Christopher Hogwood

Edição em português :

Paul McCartney: "Se os abatedouros tivessem paredes de vidro..." (legen...

Bebê ouriço-cacheiro sendo amamentado com seringa

                                      Baby hedgehog being fed with a syringe

quarta-feira, 30 de maio de 2012

Como as plantas "conversam " (ie,se comunicam)

Little Shop of Horrors

A maravilhosa vida oculta das plantas


Plantas reconhecem familiares e tem reações menos competitivas -página 1


Plantas reconhecem familiares e tem reações menos competitivas com eles -parte 2


Como as plantas "enxergam" - artigo mais acessível


Como as plantas "enxergam"


Em um lar o que conta não é o tamanho ...

Sentir saudades de alguém é ...

Há um momento em sua vida em que percebe ...

A inversão de valores de muitos pais irresponsáveis ao reagir às notas de seus filhos

Às vezes cenas de desenhos se tornam realidade,mesmo que apenas por certo período da vida dos animais

Fungos do mofo podem curar plantas

Mould fungi can cure plants

O Projeto Midway


Eles também querem viver e tem todo o direito !

Animal Compassion (Página do Facebook)
14 minutes ago 

“The error of ethics so far has been the belief that one should only apply it to men.” ~ Albert Schweitzer

A tortura sofrida pelos animais ao serem depenados vivos para produtos feitos com penas de ganso

domingo, 27 de maio de 2012

Substitutos da carne por cultivo de células em laboratório

Meat substitutes | New Harvest - Advancing Meat Substitutes

Petição internacional aos órgãos governamentais brasileiros pela criação de santuários para nossos jegues abandonados

Animals Petition: Congresso Nacional, Presidencia, Ministerio Publico, Governors & Mayors: We DEMAND the creation of SANTUARY areas in Brazil for the abandoned JEGUES | Change.org

Baixe o "ringtone" de apoio à campanha de independência da Escócia

Download the Ringtone - Yes Scotland

Novo substituto de carne , um dos tipos que estão entrando no mercado mundial

Beyond Meat: A meat (substitute) for the masses? | New Hope 360 Blog

Will Beyond Meat's new chicken substitute finally satisfy both vegetarians and carnivores?
The chewy meat substitutes your hippie parents forced you to eat are long gone, especially now that Maryland-based company Beyond Meat will be debuting their new chicken substitute in Bay Area Whole Foods stores next month. According to preliminary taste reports, you won’t be sneaking this chicken-like food to Fido under the table.
NPR’s blog The Salt  recently covered the new company—and since then vegetarians and vegans have been lighting up the Web anticipating the release of the new product. Why the enthusiasm?
Through a new process licensed from the University of Missouri, the product includes ingredients like non-GMO soy and pea powder, carrot fiber and gluten-free flour, according to NPR. Beyond Meat reportedly mimics real chicken in taste and texture. And, here’s the kicker, it shreds wonderfully—pulled (fake) chicken sandwich, anyone?
Meat substitutes are notoriously tricky ingredients to work with. While tofu tastes exceptional when cooked correctly, many are offended by the fermented soy product due to past rubbery preparations. Seitan is meatier in flavor, but is comprised of wheat gluten—a no-no for those with celiac disease.
Some vegetarians swear by Quorn, made from the mushroom-like mycoprotein. While Quorn has a texture closer to that of real meat, it also has an impressive nutritional profile: 11 grams of protein for a mere 80 calories. But mycoprotein has been under fire in past years. In 2011, the Center for Science in the Public Interest wrote a letter to the FDA calling for Quorn’s removal after receiving 65 complaints of consumers experiencing severe allergic reactions such as hives and anaphylactic shock and vomiting; oh my!
So will Beyond Meat be the answer to satisfying both carnivores and vegetarians at the dinner table? My coworkers and I wait with bated breath to sample this intriging new product.
And considering that Beyond Meat uses significantly less resources (such as water and feed) to produce than real meat, it’s sure to appeal to environmentalists as well.

Como os colonizadores tomaram a América , na verdade as três Américas !

Moses (Moisés em inglês) já dava sinais quando bebê, risos

Quando não somos os mais fortes nem os mais numerosos resta-nos a resistência até o fim

"Teráqueos " (Earthlings) - Full length documentary (multi-subtitles)

"Terráqueos" - outro filme denunciando o horror do holocausto especista que os humanos fazem com os não-humanos !

" Terráqueos " (Earthlings) é outro filme denunciando o holocausto animal diário no mundo !

Este vídeo foi incorporado do canal do usuário beaelliott do youtube :

Enviado por  em 31/01/2012
EARTHLINGS is the single most powerful and informative documentary about society's tragic and unforgivable use of nonhuman animals, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix with soundtrack by Moby. Directed by Shaun Monson, this multi-award winning film by Nation Earth is a must-see for anyone who cares about nonhuman animals or wishes to make the world a better place.

For more information:

If you are under 18 and not allowed to watch, press the link below:

If you live in Germany and can't see, press the link below:

The film's official website:

Use the [CC] button for subtitles in your language.

Subtitles / Captions currently available in 26 languages:
Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, German, Greek, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Galician, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese-BR, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

Dutch version:

A request: subtitles in Japanese and Hindi do exist somewhere. If you know how I can get one of them, please let me know. Thanks.

Still didn't watch the best video I know on Animal Rights - Gary Yourofsky's amazing speech? Please do and SHARE it in any way you can.

We are all Earthlings - Make the Connection!

O filme "Speciesism" mostrando como o especismo humano é como o nazismo em relação aos não-humanos

sábado, 26 de maio de 2012

O Projeto de Preservação da Língua Mossuo


Como cultivar tomates por podas em casa

Homesteading / Survivalism ( página do Facebook que publicou o texto,sendo a fonte original do mesmo o site : http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-grow-tomatoes-from-cuttings )

 " How to Grow Tomato Plants from Cuttings:

Growing tomatoes from cuttings is an effective way to extend your garden without having to purchase store bought plants. They are often rooted by cuttings to preserve precious heirloom varieties that may be damaged by harsh elements.

In addition to saving money, growing tomatoes from cuttings will also allow you to share your tomato plants with friends and family and obtain new varieties without having to wait for seed propagation the following year.

Tomato cuttings root within a week or so making them perfect for extending your growing season. Taking cuttings in mid-summer will produce tomato plants that can be planted back into the garden and produce abundant tomatoes in the late fall and early winter for warmer climates. It can also be done in cooler climates if grown indoors with very bright light or in a greenhouse.

5 Things You Need to Grow Tomatoes from Cuttings
Healthy "Parent" Tomato Plant
Sterile Potting Soil
Sterile Pots or Trays
Pruning Shears

Rooting Hormone
Plant Labels
Prepare Your Pots and Soil Prior to Taking Your Cuttings
Keep Your Cuttings Healthy By Preparing Your Soil Ahead of Time
The first step in growing tomatoes from cuttings is to prepare your pots and your soil. It is best to use sterile potting soil to prevent your tender cuttings from being diseased and to insure that all pots have been washed prior to reusing.

Prepare your soil by filling your pots or trays with soil. Water thoroughly until the water is pouring out the drain holes. Allow the water to drain completely and water again. This will help to prevent air pockets and to settle the soil prior to planting your cuttings.

Creative Commons Image
Taking and Preparing Your Tomato Cuttings
Minimize Moisture Loss by Removing the Bottom Leaves
Using a healthy parent plant cuttings can be taken from suckers, shoots between stems and tips cuttings. Suckers and shoots can be 'pinched' out while tips cuttings should be cut from the end of healthy stem using sharp pruning shears. Cuttings should be 4 to 8 inches long and have leaves at the top end.

Once cuttings have been taken, gently remove all leaves except for the top two or three. This will help prevent the plant from drying out and using extra energy that could be sent to producing new roots.

Notice in the picture all stems and leaves have been cut off except the top few. The stem on the right side was cut as close the main stem as possible with out injuring the stalk.

Planting Your Tomato Cuttings in Pots
The Final Step
Once your cuttings have been prepared, use a pencil or other small object to make small holes in your pots. Place one cutting in each hole and gently firm the soil around each cutting. Rooting hormone can be used but is not required since tomato cuttings root so easily.

After planting all of your cutting water them thoroughly and allow them to drain completely. Once they have drained move them to a shaded area protected from direct sunlight.

Caring for Your Tomato Cuttings Until They Root
Keeping Your Cuttings Healthy
Check your tomato cuttings daily until they have rooted. Keep them watered so that the soil in moist but not soggy. The size of your pots and quality of your potting soil will determine how often they need to be watered.

Do not pull the cuttings up to check for roots. Doing so will tear the tender roots and cause damage or kill the cuttings before they get the chance to thrive. You can give them a gentle tug to see if they feel 'stuck' in the soil. If so that is a good sign they have rooted. The safest way to know whether or not you cuttings have rooted is to wait until new growth emerges.

Once new growth emerges you can rest assured your tomato cuttings are now young tomato plants and will soon be ready to be planted out in the garden and start producing tomatoes.

Fertilizing Your New Tomato Plants
How and When to Fertilize Your Tomato Cuttings
About 2 weeks after your tomato cuttings have been planted you can be sure there are roots. Once the roots have established you can then fertilize your new plants using a general purpose fertilizer at half the recommended strength.

Two weeks after the initial application you can then begin fertilizing at full strength according to the package directions. Be careful not to over fertilize as it will burn the tomato plants and cause damage. Continue to fertilize throughout the season according the directions.
Planting Your Rooted Tomato Plants in the Garden
When to Plant Your New Plants
Young tomato plants can be planted out in the garden 3 to 4 weeks after the cuttings are taken. I prefer to wait until they begin to get bushy and put on new height.

Before planting them out in the garden they need to be hardened off. Introduce them to a few hours of direct sunlight the first day and then continue to increase their amount of time in the sun until they can are able to handle full sun all day long. Be sure to keep plants watered during the process.

Once the young tomato plants seem to be able to handle the sun all day with no wilting they can then be planted into the garden or into large containers in the sun to begin producing tomatoes. Plant them as you would any other tomato plant and keep them watered well to help reduce shock. 

Source: http://www.squidoo.com/how-to-grow-tomatoes-from-cuttings — with Vanessa Daravar, Salty Dalty, Brett Turner, Ted Crocker, John Maksuta, Earl Campo, Sherri Leslie, Tonya Henry Pell, Will Maksuta, Kevin Kuprienko, Barb Hull, Stephanie Sadler Shaw and Janet Williams.  "

Uma proposta de casamento feita com ajuda de amigos , fazendo mímica labial de uma linda música , dançando em um " flash mob "

A maravilhosa escapada de dois porcos no Reino Unido


Galeria de fotos mostrando o horror das indústrias de carnes

The Pig - All Creatures Animal Exploitation Photo Gallery: