quinta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2021

Um emocionante documentário sobre a luta pela preservação do gaélico escocês na Nova Escócia, Canadá: Singing against the Silence: The Gaels of Nova Scotia

Shared for sole educational purpose. No copyright infringement intended.

Mais um canal incrível do Youtube para se aprender qualquer matéria do ensino fundamental por meio do inglês: Cognito Nesta postagem, o vídeo "Biology: What is Binary fission? #5"

No copyright infringement intended. Shared for sole educational purpose.

Página principal do canal Cognito:

Atualização (29/01/2021):
Apenas alguns links para dar uma diversidade das matérias nele ensinadas de forma super didática e acessível (lembrando que sempre se deve pausar e até repetir alguma frase, voltando na gravação, quando não se entender alguma parte):

quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2021

Palestra de John Jackson (em inglês): Entering into the Light: the Tibetan Perspective on Death and Dying

No copyright infringement intended. Shared for sole educational purpose.

Link para mesma palestra traduzida para o português pelo Ligmincha Brasil:

Entrando na Luz: a Perspectiva Tibetana sobre a Morte e o Morrer com John Jackson

Eu a compartilhei também no meu outro blog: "AlternativEarth"

sexta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2021

quinta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2021

Vídeo sobre a saga dos hindus da Cachemira contra a intolerância religiosa (com legendas em inglês): Kashmir - The Saga of Hindu Struggle Against Jihad

No copyright infringement intended. Shared for sole educational purpose.
Postado pelo canal do Youtube Upword
Descrição do vídeo dada pelo canal:

"The centuries-long struggle of Kashmiri Hindus to keep the flag of Hindu civilization flying in Kashmir ended violently on January 19, 1990, when half a million Hindus were forced to leave the valley, their home for millennia. The Indian State was and continues to be a mute spectator."

domingo, 17 de janeiro de 2021

PDF gratuito do Foreign Service Institute ensinando o hebraico básico em inglês e com diversos arquivos de áudio também gratuitos no site Live Lingua

 "Hebrew Basic Course" 


Nota: O PDF tem ótima qualidade de reprodução, além de se poder aumentar o tamanho do texto clicando-se no sinal de + que aparece no lado direito do documento, junstamente com o sinal de logo abaixo dele, para se a função contrária.

Os arquivos de áudio para download gratuito estão na página do link abaixo:


sexta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2021

Uma doce canção infantil hebraica: "HaSabon Bacha M'od" com tradução inglesa e letra original em caracteres hebraicos

No copyright infringement intended. Shared for sole educational purpose.

Tradução inglesa gentilmende cedida pelo Youtuber Nir Cohen, que também forneceu informações sobre a canção em si ao final!
Todah rabah, Nir Cohen!

Nir Cohen
The soap was badly weeping, Danny doesn't want me anymore. And the toothbrush that was sobbing twice as hard, said to the toothpaste: do not to cry, but it did, And that hot headed faucet was very upset with Dan. And the water felt bad for his ears, and sang along: SHOOROOM ZOOROOM RIM.... Danny is dirty, so very dirty. If he'll go to kindergarten today Who'd say hello to him? Everyone will ask: Who is that? That dirty little kid? And little Hadassa will hide from him in the corner wouldn't recognize him at all... And the water felt bad for his ears, and sang along: SHOOROOM ZOOROOM RIM...." Nir Cohen explicou ainda:
"This is an old kids songs written by Miryam Yalan Shtekelis and performed be Zvika Pik for the 1981 kids songs festival in Israel. I guess it was supposed to persuade kids to shower more often."

Letra em caracteres hebraicos:

[בית 1]
הסבון בכה מאוד
דני לא רוצה בי עוד
ומברשת השיניים
מתייפחת שבעתיים

ואומרת למשחה
אל תבכי אך היא בוכה
והברז כעסן
הוא כועס מאוד על דן

והמים, מים, מים
צר להם על האוזניים
הם שרים, שרים, שרים, שרים

[פזמון] X2
שורום זורום זורום רים
שורום זורום זורום רים
שורום זורום זורום רים
הם שרים, הם שרים, הם שרים

[בית 2]
דני, דני מלוכלך
מלוכלך כל כך כל כך
אם יבוא היום לגן
מי יתן שלום לדן

כל אחד ישאל מי זה
מלוכלך כזה כזה
והדסה הקטנה
תסתתר אז בפינה
לא תכיר אותו בכלל
כלל וכלל

והמים, מים, מים
צר להם על האוזניים
הם שרים, שרים, שרים, שרים

[פזמון] X5
שורום זורום זורום רים
שורום זורום זורום רים
שורום זורום זורום רים
הם שרים, הם שרים, הם שרים


Após Nir dar a tradução, acabei encontrando outra mas que não tem o mesmo nível de precisão da tradução gentilmente dada por Nir.

Quem quiser conferir, contudo, pode ver no site:


Um documentário tocante do canal "*Reel Truth Documentaries" sobre o drama dos albinos na Tanzânia: "Born Too White: What It's Like To Have Albinism in Tanzania"

No copyright infringement intended. Shared for sole educational purpose
* O nome do canal faz um trocadilho inteligente com o adjetivo 'real' (verdadeiro, real), usando o termo "reel" (aqui usado no sentido de 'bobina/carretel de filme'):

Alguns excertos do artigo:

" … Researchers and anthropologists studying African cultural practice are generally unable to pin point the beginning of attacks against PWA.

This is likely a result of a multitude of factors, not in the least, the multiplicity of cultural practices and ethnicities in the region and a chronic absence of adequate records. However inadequate historical information is also likely a result of the ambiguous and secretive treatment of witchcraft in the region.v

Yet, to understand the origin (if any) and history of attacks against PWA is to understand witchcraft itself.

A basic understanding of the mechanics of witchcraft in the region and how it supports prevalent myths and traditions about the condition of albinism will provide a rudimentary tracing of attacks against persons with albinism in the recent history of the past two centuries. …" by the NGO Under the Same Sun 


Under the Sun’s homepage: https://www.underthesamesun.com/

quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2021

Invocação à Deusa Sidpe Gyalmo da Tradição Tibetana Yungdrung Bön: Invocation of ☆ Sidpe Gyalmo ☆

No copyright infringement intended. Shared for sole educational purpose.

Reproduzo aqui as maravilhosas explicações dadas pelo dono do canal sobre esta fascinante divindade da tradição Yungdrung Bön:

1.06K subscribers
"According to some Bön histories, it is said that the cult of goddess Sidpa Gyalmo as as Protector of Bön (Bön-skyong) was introduced by Shenchen Luga (gShen-chen klu-dga', 996-1035) from his Terma text discoveries at Dritsam Thakar ('Bri-mtshams mtha' dkar) in Tsang province in 1017. Indeed, the red Sidpa Gyalmo does come from this Terma collection. [See the Srid-rgyal dre'u dmar-mo'i rgyud dang 'grel-pa bcas.] Be that as it may, Sidpa Gyalmo riding the black mule (dre'u nag) became the special Guardian for Yeru Wensakha Monastery established in Tsang province by the Dru (Bru) clan, and she remains so for its successor monastery of Menri (sMan-ri). According to the textual sources, from out of the Dharmakaya Kuntu Zangmo (Bön-sku Kun tu bzang-mo) emanated the chief of the Matrika goddesses of the Bön tradition, Machok Sidpa Gyalmo (Ma-mchog Srid-pa'i rgyal-mo) "the Supreme Mother, the Queen of Existence." At the Sambhogakaya level, Sidpa Gyalmo manifested in 5 aspects: 1. Yeshe Walmo (Ye-shes dbal-mo) as the universal aspect, 2. Khagying Lhamo (mKha'-'gying lha-mo) as the pacifying aspect (zhi-ba), 3. Duyum Lhamo (dus yum lha-mo) as the increasing aspect (rgyas-pa), 4. Kasang Lhamo (bKa' gsang lha-mo) as the enchantment aspect (dbang), 5. Dedro Sang-yum (bDe 'gro gsang yum) as the fierce or destructive aspect (drag-po). Thereupon Sidpa Gyalmo emanated the various Dakinis attending her in her mandala. - In the center of the mandala is Thugtrul Nagmo (Thugs sprul nag-mo) or Kali, who is directly emanated from the Mind (thugs sprul) of Sidpa - Gyalmo. - She has a single face and 2 arms and is riding upon a black mule. - Therefore, she is called Dreu Nagmo (Dre'u nag-mo). - Then she emanates the 4 medicine goddesses (rdzu-'phrul sman bzhi) and the 6 time goddesses (dus drug) who are the watch-keepers over - the day, each watch being four hours. - Then she emanates: a.The 27 animal- and human-headed goddesses known as Walmo (dbal-mo nyer-bdun) b.Beyond them the 4 door-keeper goddesses (sgo-ma bzhi) c. The 9 female generals (dmag-dpon-ma dgu) d. The the 12 Tenma goddesses (brtan-ma bcu-gnyis). At the Bönpo monastery at Dolanji, in Himachal Pradesh, India, there is still performed a Cham or Lama dance called Srid-rgyal dus drug, devoted to representing these 6 time goddesses who are aspects of Sidpa Gyalmo. Each of these goddesses has her particular watch of the day and has a different colour and attributes, as follows: 1. Sogchodma (Srog-gcod-ma), who is black in color, has the watch of the evening (srod), 2. Zhendebma (gZhen-'debs-ma), who is blue in color, has the watch of midnight (nam gung), 3. Wangdudma (dBang-sdud-ma), who is white in color, has the watch of daybreak (tho-rangs), 4. Odtroma ('Od-'phro-ma), who is yellow in color, has the watch of sun rise and early morning (nyi shar), 5. Trasalma (bKra-gsal-ma), who is red in color, has the watch of midday (nyin phyed), and 6. Zersalma (Zer-gsal-ma), who is purple-brown in color, has the watch of late afternoon and sunset (phyi 'phrod)."

Nota: Eu seu aspecto universal, sua manifestação como a Senhora Yeshe Walmo, ela é uma deidade à qual se deve pedir proteção em especial, seja para nós mesmos ou para nossos entes queridos, em tempos difíceis como os pelos quais estamos passando, i.e. de uma pandemia!

Aprenda o que são FODMAPs e quais os seus efeitos em nosso organismo: "FODMAP 101: A Detailed Beginner's Guide" e outros artigos

 "FODMAP 1010: A Detailed Beginner's Guide" pelo site Healthline:


E, para os que ainda não dominam o inglês o suficiente para ler o artigo no original:

"FODMAP é uma sigla, cuja tradução literal é: Fermentáveis (F), Oligossacarídeos (O), Dissacarídeos (D), Monossacarídeos (M), A é de “and”, que significa “e” em inglês e Polióis (P). Os oligossacarídeos são os Fruto-oligossacarídeos (FOS) e os Galacto-oligossacarídeos (GOS) ..." In https://g1.globo.com/sp/presidente-prudente-regiao/blog/nutricao-pratica/post/desconforto-intestinal-e-fodmap.html