quinta-feira, 31 de julho de 2014

O Voo para a Liberdade - A viagem dos judeus etíopes para Israel

" The Jews of Ethiopia "

Uploaded by the Youtube channel


" Flight to Freedom - The Ethiopian Jews journey to Israel "

Uploaded by the Youtube channel BlueStar


" ተከታይ Operation "Solomon" May 24th-25th, 1991"

Uploaded by the Youtube channel endexye


 Um vídeo sobre uma judia etíope já adaptada à vida em Israel após tanto sofrimento

" THE ETHIOPIAN JEWEL: Yityish Aynaw - From Orphan To Israeli Beauty Queen! "

Uploaded by the Youtube channel Michael Heath

sexta-feira, 25 de julho de 2014

quinta-feira, 17 de julho de 2014

A Questão da Vida após a Morte dos Pets : Afterlife TV with Bob Olson

" Do Our Pets Go To The Afterlife? Animals And The Afterlife With Danielle Mackinnon. "

A Questão da Vida após a Morte dos Pets

" Is There Life After Death for Your Pet? "

Postado pelo canal doYoutube PetQuotes

A morte de não humanos e sua vida no Além, pela comunicadora animal Laura Stinchfield

" Animals Death And The Afterlife with Animal Communicator Laura Stinchfield "
Upload do canal do Youtube The Pet Psychic 

Links para a página principal do canal The Pet Psychic no Youtube e seu Vlog :

Página principal do canal The Pet Psychic no Youtube :


Vlog :


terça-feira, 15 de julho de 2014

Como cultivar legumes orgânicos - Vídeos do canal do Youtube Work with Nature

" Organic Gardening - Top Ten Tips / How to grow vegetables / How To Grow episode " (Também ensinam sobre criação de abelhas mas esta  atividade não é considerada vegana)

segunda-feira, 14 de julho de 2014

quarta-feira, 9 de julho de 2014

Vegetarianos célebres da História

Postado pela página do Facebook Dieta Personalizzata

Obrigado à amiga do Facebook Guinevere Gui LaRoche Rochelle por compartilhar este link !

terça-feira, 8 de julho de 2014

Guia vegano de produtos de cuidados corporais

Link compartilhado pela página do Facebook  Veganism Is The Future
3 mins · 

Movimento de Tsvi Misinai pelo resgate da etnia e cultura israelita de Palestinos (e "árabes israelenses") descendentes de hebreus

Assim como os B´nei Anussim descendentes de judeus portugueses e espanhóis convertidos em 1492 (Espanha) e 1497 (Portugal ) , muitos palestinos (e os ditos "árabes israelenses",sejam cristãos ou muçulmanos) são israelitas convertidos !

Página em inglês :

 Página inicial em hebraico :

Site do movimento The Engagement :


 Página do grupo do movimento The Engagement no Facebook :


 Obra de Tsvi Misinai sobre o assunto :

" Brother Shall not Lift Sword against Brother "Paperback – March 10, 2008


 Vídeos :

Canal de Tsvi Misinai no Youtube :

"Jewish signs found among Palestinians (english subtitles)"


" Palestinians have Jewish ancestry - Part 1"


" Palestinians have Jewish ancestry - Part 2 "


" DNA Dynamite! Are Palestinians Actually Jews "


segunda-feira, 7 de julho de 2014

Novo estudo científico aponta para filhos de pais do mesmo sexo tenderem a ser mais felizes e até mais saudáveis

" Same-sex couples raise healthier and happier kids "
" Described as the largest study of its kind ever performed, new Australian research has found that same-sex parents do better statistically in raising children with better physical health and mental wellbeing "

Talvez porque saibam que precisam dar o melhor de si mesmos para provar que podem ser excelentes pais e mães e também por desejarem tanto realizar este sonho, que para os héteros já era garantido pelas leis mas que só recentemente vem sendo conquistado por LGBTs - e em alguns países apenas.

Cão brasileiro resgatado das ruas leva filhotes de gatos abandonados para casa



Santuário de elefantes será construído no Brasil

Texto e links postados pela página do Facebook ElephantVoices

" As a founding partner of Global Sanctuary for Elephants/Elephant Sanctuary Brazil (http://www.globalelephants.org/), ElephantVoices is working closely with GSE-Directors Scott and Kat Blais to get an elephant sanctuary in Brazil off the ground. ElephantVoices Brasil Junia Machado (CEO of Santuário de Elefantes Brasil) and Petter met up with Scott and Kat at Mata Ciliar (http://mataciliar.org.br/mata/) outside São Paulo last week, an ElephantVoices Brasil partner that works with forest protection, environmental education, fauna rehabilitation and research. After arriving from the US on 25 June, Scott and Kat spent a few days there to discuss experience from animal welfare work in Brazil.

From left Scott Blais, Cristina Adania (Mata Ciliar), Kat Blais, Petter, Celia Frattini (Santuário de Elefantes Brasil) and Flavia Considera (Projeto Mucky). Projeto Mucky (http://www.projetomucky.org.br/) is another of our partners in Brasil, working with primate rescue and rehabilitation, environmental education, research and technical and scientific cooperation with universities. Scott and Kat, together with our Brasilian team, visited them last December. A warm thank you to Cristina, Jorge and others at Mata Ciliar for all help and advise so far! Photo by Junia Machado. "

A fantástica rede alemã de supermercados veganos Veganz chega aos EUA


O sofrimento das mães bovinas ao terem seus filhos tirados na indústria do leite

Link para o vídeo , comentário e link postasdos no Facebook pela página peta2.com 


Watch as mother cows used for the dairy industry call frantically for their calves being STOLEN away from them.  "

HELP THEM & other animals in need:

domingo, 6 de julho de 2014

A excentricidade - ou a aparência desta - (quando não é fruto da arrogância do ego mas da natural evolução interior) é invevitável aos olhos dos presos a estereótipos.

 Postado pela página do Facebook The Mind Unleashed in https://www.facebook.com/TheMindUnleashed/photos/a.434569209933563.103142.432632306793920/758443334212814/?type=1&theater
Thanks to my Facebook buddy Mazryah Taziri  for sharing this link !
 Outros cartazes com dizeres sobre o mesmo tema postados na corrente de comentários desta postagem da página supracitada :

 Postado com citação de Jason Hairston por Exposing The Realities

 Postado pela página do Facebook Revolution - 2040
4 hrs 

Postado por Amit Kumar no Facebook

sábado, 5 de julho de 2014

A responsabilidade dos indivíduos para com o grupo social

Cartaz e citação de Anthony Douglas Williams postados pela página do Facebook Inside the Divine Pattern e compartilhado pela página A Peaceful Planet 

"It is our collective responsibility to help the helpless, house the homeless, mother the motherless, love the unloved, and care for the uncared. This applies to other humans and other animals." ~ A.D. Williams

Como se julga o outro fala muito sobre quem profere o julgamento

 Cartaz e comentário postados pela página do Facebook Educateinspirechange.org
5 hrs 

<<<< like us , help us to educate, inspire and change the world 

Galinha adorando tomar banho e o secador logo após !


Video compartilhado pela página do Facebook Animal Equality Germany
 Obs. : O texto da postagem da página está em alemão (por ser da filial da Alemanha do grupo Animal Equality) mas o vídeo é falado em inglês americano.

Obrigado à amiga Andrea Oyole por ter compartilhado este link no timelineHahn genießt Bad und Federföne !

Adolescente norte-americana entra para a faculdade com 14 anos !


Imperdível : gato massageia costas de cão (e ainda com música oriental de fundo,risos)


Obrigado à amiga Cidoca Orestes por compartilhar o link da página do Facebook Heart 107.3's video: VIRAL VIDEO: Cat massages dog.

O assassinato dos bezerros para vitela,vítimas da indústria do leite que alimenta a da carne de bebês bovinos

Aviso : cenas extremamente chocantes do abate dos bezerros,desaconselháveis a crianças pequenas ou quaisquer pessoas portadores de condição psíquica ou física que possam lhes trazer problemas com sua visualização :


Thanks to the Facebook page Animal Rights Media for sharing LA VERA BESTIA - Animal Video Community -'s video: Che fine fanno i piccoli figli della Lola?

As pequenas grandes guerreira de Star Wars ! Esta menina levantou a bandeira das meninas que amam ser Star Wars warriors

Fotos e texto com links postados pela página do Facebook A Mighty Girl
18 hrs · Edited 

" After Katie Goldman was bullied for her love of Star Wars -- which bullies claimed was "just for boys" -- the Star Wars fangroup The 501st Legion decided to build her a custom Stormtrooper costume. Katie showed that a love of Star Wars is not gender limited as she wore her costume proudly and regained her confidence. Now, two years later, the 11-year-old Mighty Girl is creating a new 'Sisterhood of the Traveling Stormtrooper Costume' by passing her costume on to another young girl bullied for her love of so-called 'boy' interests.

It was Katie’s mom, author Carrie Goldman, who originally wrote about Katie’s experiences and attracted the attention of the 501st Legion. The 501st created a hashtag, #maytheforcebewithKatie, to send messages of support and Katie's story went viral. Two years later, when Katie decided she wanted to be a Stormtrooper for Halloween, Goldman contacted the 501st for advice on where to find a costume. Instead, they fundraised to make Katie a custom-sized Stormtrooper costume built to the exact specifications used in the films. Goldman wrote on her blog: “Katie rocked that armor at her school’s Halloween parade. And again while trick-or-treating. And in spring at the Purim Carnival. And in summer at Star Wars Day in Joliet... the outcome was always stunning.”

They had always planned to pass the armor on to another child once Katie outgrew it and, recently, Brian Troyan of 501st sent a message to Goldman introducing them to Allison: “I wonder if Katie might be ready to pass along her Stormtrooper armor to another little girl who has been bullied and who needs a little love and a reminder that she shouldn't ever need to hide who she is,” he wrote. He was referring to 11-year-old Allison Jorgensen, pictured at right, who was being “taunted, ostracized, and even physically attacked by her peers” for her love of Star Wars and for carrying a Spider-Man lunchbox.

Goldman wasn’t sure if Katie would be ready to pass on the special suit of armor. On her blog, Goldman writes, “I sat on the edge of Katie’s bed Thursday night and told her about Allison... after I answered to the best of my ability, she simply said, 'That is terrible.' 'So,’ I said, ‘Would you be willing to give Allison your Stormtrooper armor?’ ‘Yes! Of course,’ she answered immediately. ‘That’s a great idea!’” Not only did Katie agree to pass the armor along, but she and her friends wrote notes to accompany the costume, encouraging and supporting Allison.

Troyan arranged to have the armor and the notes picked up from Goldman’s house, and delivered to Allison at an Autism Speaks event this month. He said that Allison "couldn’t stop smiling and couldn’t wait to try it on." Her mother, Aimee, added “I think perhaps the letters from the girls meant more to her than the armor itself, and has made her feel like she has ‘yet-to-be-met’ friends out there in the world... something she had forgotten for a while.”

Troyan hopes that, when Allison outgrows the suit, it can be passed on to yet another girl who needs to know that she is not alone. “I think it helps them understand that they don’t need to hide who they are or what they love,” he says. “Even if someone tries to make fun of them for something, that doesn’t mean they should be ashamed of it.”

To read more about Katie and her special armor on HuffPost, visit  "

" 'Star Wars' Fans Start A Tradition That Will Help Bullied Kids Gain Confidence "

Posted: Updated: 

Thanks to my Facebook buddy Tammy Lupton for sharing  this link from A Mighty Girl  !

Vale lembrar que os bullies são ,além de opressores, também ignorantes das características da legendária personagem princesa Léia, uma das pioneiras das princesas guerreiras tão presentes no sci fi e fantasia mágica atuais :

Como a cultura machista popular tentou diluir as características guerreiras do personagem Leia na época :