domingo, 30 de dezembro de 2012

Os benefícios das sementes de chia (além de ajudar na perda de peso)

 Postado pela página do Facebook

A vida social ,sensibilidade e inteligência dos galináceos

Texto , foto e link postados pela página do Facebook Cruelty Free World

Leading animal behavior scientists from around the globe know that chickens are inquisitive and interesting animals whose cognitive abilities are in some cases more advanced than those of cats, dogs, and even some primates.
Like all animals, chickens love their families and value their own lives. The social nature of chickens means that they are always looking out for their families and for other chickens in their group. People who have spent time with chickens know that they have complex social structures, adept communication skills, and distinct personalities, just as we do.

They can complete complex mental tasks, learn from watching each other, demonstrate self-control, worry about the future, and even have cultural knowledge that is passed from generation to generation.

Chickens comprehend cause-and-effect relationships and understand that objects still exist even after they are hidden from view. In this respect, they are more cognitively advanced than small human children.
Social Smarts

When in their natural surroundings, not confined to factory farms, chickens form complex social hierarchies, also known as "pecking orders," and every chicken knows his or her place on the social ladder, remembering the faces and ranks of more than 100 other birds. Scientists agree that chickens' complex social structures and good memories are undeniable signs of advanced intelligence comparable to that of mammals.

People who have spent time with chickens know that each bird has a different personality that often relates to his or her place in the pecking order. Some are gregarious and fearless, while others are more shy and watchful; some enjoy human company, while others are standoffish or even a bit aggressive. Just like dogs, cats, and humans, each chicken is an individual with a distinct personality.

Researchers have also found that chickens have a cultural knowledge that they pass down from generation to generation. In one study at Bristol University, chickens were fed a mixture of yellow and blue corn kernels. The blue kernels were tainted with chemicals that made the birds feel sick, and they quickly learned to avoid the blue corn entirely. When these hens hatched chicks, yellow and blue corn was spread around the farm (this time harmless), and the mother hens remembered that the blue corn had previously made them sick, so they carefully steered their young away from it.

Their communication skills are just as impressive. They have more than 30 types of vocalizations to distinguish between threats that are approaching by land and those that are approaching over water, and a mother hen begins to teach these calls to her chicks before they even hatch. She clucks softly to them while sitting on the eggs, and they chirp back to her and to each other from inside their shells." Source   "

terça-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2012

quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2012

terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2012

A mesma dor da perda do filho, sem palavras mas plenamente visível

Foto com dizeres , texto , citação e link postados pelo perfil de Alicia Flick no Facebook
"This mother sheep... you know who I think can look at something like this and not grasp the sadness of it? The type of parent who doesn't have that strong a bond with their own child. It seems to me that the parents I know who are extremely close to their children and feel a special bond with them are the ones who instinctively grasp how horribly sad this is. You either get the parent/child-bond 
feeling, or you don't. Just my own observation." -Sue Tupper

I'd like to add that if the injustice captured in this image doesn't break your heart, it's simply because you don't have one. Parent or not, that mother's pain is palpable. Look, it's real simple- you're either part of the problem or part of the solution. Think about it. Those are the only two categories. So, what's it gonna be? Cruelty or compassion?

Do the right thing, go vegan:       "

sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2012

As lágrimas são uma linguagem universal

Foto e comentário postados pela página do Facebook Veganism Is The Future

 " Yes, they suffer and cry, just like us. PLEASE, GO VEGAN!  "

quinta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2012

Quando o espectador é muito exigente ...

 Postado pela página do Facebook

 Observação : o trocadilho aqui é com o adjetivo "riveting" : empolgante e com a onomatopeia dos sons emitidos por certas rãs arbóreas do Pacífico .
 Veja em )

Outro som emitido pelos anurídeos (nome da classificação científica para sapos e rãs) é  designado por "croak"  (o som grave e rouco , abafado ),que também é verbo ( "to croak"). Veja em

Há também o verbo "to caw",que significa tanto grasnar - no caso como os corvos fazem , ou mesmo como os patos : "to quack " - como também o mesmo que "to croak" .
Veja em

Benefícios da banana bem madura

 Postado pela página do Facebook Unusual Facts

Os benefícios do agrião

Texto , foto e link postados pela página do Facebook CCTV for ALL Slaughterhouses

" Watercress

Watercress has a good amount of vitamins A and C, and has isothiocyanates, which fights lung and oesophageal cancer.
It is also rich in B-complex group of vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin and pantothenic acid that are essential for optimum cellular metabolic functions...... (dh)  "

 Link dado pela página para se plantar agrião em casa :

Saber largar o que já se transcendeu em paz

Postado pela página do Facebook Sick laugh

A lealdade faz a verdadeira família

Postado pela página do Facebook No Lapdog Media

quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2012

Povos vindos há 17.000 anos do que é a atual Europa chegaram às Américas

História do Genoma Humano e sua expansão no planeta

Achada cidade submersa com pirâmides de cristal no solo oceânico do Triângulo das Bermudas

Foto do link
 Foto e links postados pela página do Facebook Imagens Históricas
 Como o texto da página está em português, reproduzo apenas os links dados pela página,com os textos sobre o achado da cidade submersa :

BAUZA, Vanessa. Submerged Cuban ruins may be manmade, experts say. IN Daily News ([])

Deve-se saber conviver com as próprias limitações e dar o melhor de si na vida , mesmo com elas !

Postado pela página do Facebook

Receita para um viver feliz e saudável

Postado pela página do Facebook Day Of Tikkun

As ações fazem o ser de bem,não crenças em si

 Postado pela página do Facebook Day Of Tikkun

domingo, 18 de novembro de 2012

Projeto de salvamento dos burricos em Portugal

<iframe src=";portrait=0" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

Uma mãe sérvia heróica

Textos em inglês e sérvio e foto postados pela página do Facebook
Meet the Serbs

 "Jelena Trikić (30) from Prijedor, who refused the treatment of the brain tumor by strong cytostatics so she could become a mother, died at the Clinical Center of Banja Luka. Jelena was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2007, and after two surgeries she decided to realize her great wish - to have a child and feel what it's like to be a mother, which was supported by her husband. During pregnancy, her
treatment was put on hold, and the disease has progressed, so any further forecasts for her recovery were uncertain. 39 days ago she gave birth to a son Nikola, who was born weighing 1970 grams. Though ill, Jelena also began studying at the Faculty of Economics and completed it earlier this year. Jelena was the best example of courage and the will to live and to give life. Rest in peace Jelena.
У бањалучком Клиничком центру умрла је Јелена Трикић (30) из Приједора која је одбила лечење јаким цитостатицима тумора на мозгу како би постала мајка, саопштено је данас из те здравствене установе. Јелени је 2007. године откривен тумор на мозгу, а након две операције одлучила је да оствари своју велику жељу - да роди дете и да осети како је бити мајка, у чему је добила подршку супруга. Током трудноће, њено лечење је обустављено, а болест је узнапредовала, тако да су све даље прогнозе за њено излечење биле неизвесне. Пре 39 дана родила је сина Николу, који је на рођењу имао 1.970 грама. Иначе, Јелена иако оболела, уписала је Економски факултет и завршила га почетком ове године. Јелена била је најбољи пример храбрости и воље за животом. Нека јој је лака земља. "

Os mandamentos da Wicca Branca

Postado por usuários do Facebook