sexta-feira, 11 de março de 2016

Conheça a Pontiaka: a encantadora música ancestral dos gregos pônticos!

Na página, são dados links para trinta (30) canções (completas), cujos nomes em caracteres gregos são também transliterados em outra lista logo em seguida.
Descrição dada pelo site:

"Pontian music, also known as Pontiaka, was created by the Greeks of the Pontus region.  The music is played by a Kementze (Lyra),   Daouli (drum) and often a flute or fife and sung in the Pontian dialect.  This dialect is deeply rooted in the Ancient Greek language and remains a dialect still used today.

Pontiaka music is a form of story telling. Through traditional music, the Pontian culture and history was preserved for future generations.  Dance also plays a big part in the Pontian culture.  Popular dances such as the Kotsari, Tik and Serra are still danced at gatherings and festivals today."

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