quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2013

Bewitched: Witch or Wife 1.8

Star Trek - TV intro (season 1) (1966)

Star Trek Original Series Intro (HQ)

Star Trek Original Series Intro (HQ)

"BEWITCHED" Season Four ABC Network Promos Compilation

"Bewitched" Season 1 Opening & Closing Theme/ Credits In Color

[Intro] Lost in Space - Season 3

lost in space episode teaser 3

Lost in space promo out take

The Time Tunnel.

Time Tunnel Intro


Lost In Space Forever

Time Tunnel Intro

The Time Tunnel - Inside Irwin Allens

He-Man & She-Ra the Movie / Secret of the sword

Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon Season 1 Episode 1 Part 2 Full Episodes


He-Man: Opening Theme

The Vampire Diaries - Season 4 - Promo.

Aviso aos pais : não recomendado pela censura para menores de 14 anos

Syfy HAVEN 30 Trailer 2

Syfy HAVEN hd launch trailer 1

Sanctuary- Helen & Will "According to You"

All You Wanted - Helen & Will, Sanctuary

The Official Sanctuary Trailer

Nathan and Audrey (Haven) : Walk You Home

HAVEN (lista de reprodução)

FRINGE - Passado, Presente e Futuro - Legendado

Charmed Season 5 Opening Credits

Charmed Season 1 Opening Credits

 Na verdade não é a abertura da primeira temporada mas tudo bem risos,o que importa é que é muito bem feita ,como a série em si .

Teen Wolf (MTV Official Trailer)

Teen Wolf Season 2 Promo

Aquaman Trailer 2012

Grimm - Full Trailer

Once Upon a Time - Trailer Legendado [PT-BR]

Tangerine Dream - Rumpelstiltskin

Rumpelstiltskin Fairy Tale Bedtime Story

Rumpelstiltskin-Fairy Tale from Legend Photography



World War 2/II in Colour / The Second World War in Colour [FULL FILM DOC...


quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2013

A história de "Faith" , um cão muito especial !

 Foto e texto postados pela página do Facebook Amazing Facts
"Will Power is the Strongest Power"

 " This photograph is one moment from the life of “Faith”, the two legged dog. This doggie was born with deformity and when it was seen that even its mother was abandoning and harassing the little creature, the Stringfellow family adopted the puppy from roadside. When Veterinarians advised to Euthanize the animal, the owner Jude took a bold decision to inspire the
dog to live a dignified life of its own by encouraging the dog to walk on two legs. Added to this attempt from the owner and her family, it is this little ones will power and survival instinct that has lead the animal to gain the respect of humans….!! "

Happy New Year (Шинэ Жилийн Мэнд) 2011-12

Homófonos em inglês


Sacred Tao Mantra for Healing Rejuvenation and Longevity

terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2013

A poluição pelo plástico : um problema gravíssimo !


Benefícios da água de coco

Postado pela página do Facebook Rawforbeauty

Obs. : Vale lembrar que todo alimento,seja líquido ou sólido,pode também causar intolerâncias ou alergias em algumas pessoas,cada organismo é único.

David Hernandez Barros : outra vítima de bullying comete suicídio


Pesquisas indicam aumento dramático no suicídio de jovens vítimas de bullying


Mais um suicídio de adolescente LGBT nos EUA por sofrer bullying homofóbico


O que realmente importa não é se o copo está meio cheio ou meio vazio

Postado pela página do Facebook Sun Gazing

Inglês para concursos públicos - Dica do Inglês Para Leigos


segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2013

sábado, 26 de janeiro de 2013

Como a sabedoria chinesa vê os morcegos

Foto e texto postados pela página do Facebook Campbell Newman's Bat Shame

 " Bat Superstitions

In many cultures bat are seen as lucky or a positive sign..
The bat totem can trigger change or transformation. Its visit can be a warning that change will soon occur and not to be afraid. Sometimes the bat is a symbol for facing ones fears.

* When a bat appears it means time to surrender to a change, transformation of the self is about to occur. Bats hold the power of adaptability.
Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) Emperor Qian Long built the Summer Palace in Beijing in honor of his mother's birthday. The Chinese words for "bat" and "good fortune" are homonyms, so the mountain at the Summer Palace is constructed in the shape of a bat. Peaches are a metaphor for longevity, so the lake is shaped like a peach. Together, the mountain and lake convey wishes for good fortune and longevity. "

Sílabas tônicas em inglês ( Inglês para Leigos )


sábado, 12 de janeiro de 2013

Somos de fato poeira das estrelas, "stardust" !

Cartaz e texto postados pela página do Facebook From Quarks to Quasars

"“Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements - the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution and for life - weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way for them to get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today.” 

- Lawrence Krauss   "

Impact of Fresh Healthy Foods on Learning and Behavior

Yad Vashem : o centro de dados das vítimas do Holocausto (Shoah)


Yad Vashem: Remembering the Past, Shaping the Future

A ficção mais uma vez está se tornando realidade : Minority Report está chegando ao mundo real


Você Quer Fazer História?

Minha História - Um Vídeo que Todos Deveriam Ver

Evanescence - Lithium (Video)

Yule/Winter Solstice/Winter Festivals/Saturnalia

Pigs in Exuma (cochons)

Make it Possible

terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2013

A sensibilidade artística sincera não depende do prestígio social,pelo contrário : é na sua ausência que a verdade aparece !

 Foto e texto postados pela página do Facebook Welcome to our World

" A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that 1,100 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.

Three minutes went by, and a middle aged man noticed there was musician playing. He slowed his pace, and stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried up to meet his schedule.

A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till and without stopping, and continued to walk.

A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.

The one who paid the most attention was a 3 year old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried, but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally, the mother pushed hard, and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.

In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money, but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.

No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the most talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, on a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.

Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100.

This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste, and priorities of people. 

The outlines were: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour: Do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?

One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?- Jack  "

Não super valorize seus erros : até os nativos do inglês também erram,como nós com o português !


The Taoist Wizard - Woochi Battles The Rat Goblin

Do they Know it's Christmas ~ Band Aid 1984

Band Aid "Do They Know It's Christmas?" 1984

sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2013

Porcos nadadores fazem sucesso com turistas nas Bahamas

 Foto e comentário postados pela página do Facebook The Perfect World
"These amazing pigs swim every day in the crystal clear waters of the Bahamas - on their own tiny island where they live in luxury :) Happy New Perfect Year:) "
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Mais um trocadilho

Postado pela página do Facebook FunnyBoneCentral

O lado cristão do mito de Papai Noel