sexta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2014

Os que não querem ver para não se sentirem incomodados

Cartaz e comentário postado pela página do Facebook    Anti-Fur Society

" UPDATE on the FB fiasco which is still removing our page’s LIKE’s. So far, we’ve lost over 8,000 LIKES. This happened as we were trying to work on setting up age limit to address complaints from those who expect us to be responsible for what their children see on FB. But that’s not all. There are people, some aggressively, who ask us to remove the photos because they’ve already seen them, and can’t stand them anymore. IN THE END animals pay the price because LESS people will be reached around the planet. These set backs are what the opposition LOVE to see! We will NO longer pay attention to these complaints. "

 Mais um link sobre o assunto :

Why Animals Deserve to Keep Their Fur (and Skin)

quinta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2014

10 fatos que só super fãs do Senhor dos Anéis sabem (e quem não souber ainda mas amar a obra, aproveite a chance )

Este porco de seis anos e sua mãe ainda são muito apegados um ao outro : ambos vivem juntos no santuário fazenda pioneiro , Farm Sanctuary

 Postado pela página do Facebook Farm Sanctuary

" Chuck with his mama, Nikki. He's nearly 6 years old and he still loves her dearly. They sleep right next to each other every night, and as you can see, make time for nuzzles during the day. "

O bullying pode ter consequências fatais ...

Postado pel página do Facebook Jordan Jansen Music

Thanks to my Facebook buddy Charlie-Suzy Chapler for this link !

A circuncisão forçada não traumatiza apenas os bebês mas também um enorme número dos homens adultos que eles se tornaram

Cartaz,comentário e link postados pela página do Facebook Intact America

" Circumcision doesn't just hurt babies, it hurts the men they become. Say NO to infant circumcision. "

Segue abaixo um vídeo sobre uma muçulmana ortodoxa que está lutando contra a circuncisão na Malásia (ela ainda ocorre em muitos países islâmicos ortodoxos e até entre famílias de imigrantes muçulmanos ortodoxos no Ocidente ):

quarta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2014

George Orwell sobre a censura subjacente da informação pelos poderes vigentes


Cartaz e nota de George Orwell sobre a censura na supostamente livre imprensa e link para o texto original postados pela página do Facebook 

' George Orwell on censorship in a "free press":

"Unpopular ideas can be silenced, and inconvenient facts kept dark, without the need for any official ban. Anyone who has lived long in a foreign country will know of instances of sensational items of news — things which on their own merits would get the big headlines-being kept right out of the British press, not because the Government intervened but because of a general tacit agreement that ‘it wouldn’t do’ to mention that particular fact. So far as the daily newspapers go, this is easy to understand. The British press is extremely centralised, and most of it is owned by wealthy men who have every motive to be dishonest on certain important topics. But the same kind of veiled censorship also operates in books and periodicals, as well as in plays, films and radio. At any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is ‘not done’ to say it, just as in mid-Victorian times it was ‘not done’ to mention trousers in the presence of a lady. Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing, either in the popular press or in the highbrow periodicals." '

Gato faz carinho em golfinho

Site irmão do Inglês com Rock mostra vídeos sobre o estudo do inglês

Gratidão de uma raposa ferida resgatada

terça-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2014

Diretor-Presidente da "Beyond Meat" (empresa de alimentos substitutos da carne) sobre os benefícios destes produtos

CEO (abbr.) : chief executive officer

Tradução de CEO :

Cuidado com os "web hoaxes" (farsas da web) : Leão negro é na verdade foto de leão albino digitalizada

Maior horta em telhado até agora é cultivada no Brooklyn

Cientista é perseguido pela empresa de agrotóxicos Syngenta ao publica estudo denunciando os malefícios de um herbicida

Inglês Com Filmes 2- O Rei Leão , no site Inglês Para Leigos !

segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2014

Falece a mais idosa sobrevivente do Holocausto (2a Guerra Mundial) : Alice Herz-Sommer

Cartaz e comentário postados pela página do Facebook Growing Bolder

RIP. Alice Herz-Sommer passed away Sunday morning in a London hospital. Sommer was 110 and the world's oldest survivor of the Holocaust. An accomplished pianist, she is said to have counted existentialist writer Franz Kafka among her family friends and, more recently, was the subject of an Oscar-nominated documentary about her life. "

Dois vídeos sobre sua vida :

Dois vídeos sobre seu falecimento :

Foto com dizeres , comentário e link postados pela página do Facebook

" Please Share to honor Alice!
What a beautiful soul.

Learn more about Alice and her incredible story here:   "

domingo, 23 de fevereiro de 2014

Os "Fantasmas" da Evolução - artigo do site "Brainpickings" e vídeo do youtube

O pouco que se puder fazer já é alguma coisa ...

Photo taken by Jo-Anne McArthur
Cartaz , citação de Edmund Burke e links postados pela página do Facebook EVOLVE! Campaigns

" Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a  little.  " ~Edmund Burke

" Photo taken by Jo-Anne McArthur during an open rescue carried out by Igualdad Animal (Animal Equality)  " - UK website: 

Spanish website: 

Jo-Anne McAthur's website:

Ao contrário de outro estudo, equipe conjunta de cientistas dos EUA e de Israel declaram ser sono ininterrupto de sete ou oito horas imprescindível para células poderem lutar contra o câncer

Maria Von Trapp : falece aos 99 anos membro da família Von Trapp , que inspirou o filme The Sound of Music (A Noviça Rebelde)

Ela foi representada no filme como Louisa no filme , ela era a terceira criança e segunda filha mais velha do capitão Georg Von Trapp e não deve ser confundida com a segunda esposa , Maria Von Trapp , que faleceu em 1987 e que escreveu o livro , no qual o filme foi livremente baseado. A família se radicou nos EUA , onde vive até hoje.

Xingu Network of Seeds - Rede de Sementes do Xingu : Projeto do Instituto Ventura

Página em inglês sobre o projeto :

Página em português :

Vídeo em português :

sexta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2014

Mais um artigo do grande humanista Sam Harris : " The Pleasure of Changing My Mind "

Kintsukuroi : a arte japonesa de emendar objetos com ouro

Postado pelo perfil no Facebook de Catharina Bruyning - Thanks, Ms Bruyning !

Veja também esta postagem sobre o mesmo tema :

Postado pela página do Facebook Spirit Science

Thanks to my Facebook buddy  Charlie Suzi Chapler for this link !

Apresentadora de TV neo-zelandesa radicada na Austrália pode ser mais nova vítima de cyber bullying , que agravou sua depressão!

Energia grátis : segundo este artigo,alguns cientistas confirmam o que o grande Nikola Tesla já afirmara há décadas

Vídeo :

Thanks for the links above to my Facebook buddy Charlie Suzi Chapler !

Caprídeos brincam de equilibrar-se em lâmina metálica

" This Is Real Footage Of Goats Having A Good Time

Prepare yourself for this shocking video. SHOCKINGLY CUTE, THAT IS. "

Documentário do Discovery Channel sobre lavagem cerebral por serviços de inteligência com objetivos homicidas

Rapaz com depressão grave melhora muito ao adotar um gato

Foto e texto postados pelas páginas do Facebook Donovan BlackfyreHomer Blind WonderCat

" Hi Homer my name is Sombra (Shadow) and I'm just a kitty but I really admire you. My short story it's an upside down rescue story. Dad didn't rescue me from streets, instead I rescued him from himself. Dad doesn't know exactly how old I am but we guessed 4 months. Before I enter in his life I was living in a cage at Pet Store, with other but we didn't have an excellent care, the past feb. 11th a nice lady came and took me to Dad's home and that day I rescued him. You would ask why or how. Before he meets Dad was passing by really rough times. He didn't have a job, even when he was looking in all places. He was unfairly fired from his dream job before. His girlfriend cheated on him and left him at that time. And most his family was having problems with him for he being without a job. Besides most of his life has been so hard, I know because I heard grandma talking about it. He had to deal with treason, addicts, alcoholics, and loneliness since he was 5 besides grandma said that Dad is carring with her chains now. All of that made Dad's mind is own prison and before he meets me, he thought seriously in suicide every day and he is just 25. But then I went into his life and he smiled once again in a long long time, he slept with me in his bed that night. Now He gives me a healthy diet and always has time yo play with me. At nights I go to his bed and he let me sleep with him. Now he just got a job that he hates but he does it for me to buy me food, toys, and to take me to the vet to check my health. Now Dad smiles more and I don't think he thinks in suicide anymore. "

Novo estudo diz que índices de fatalidade em circuncisões neonatais é maior do que de acidentes por sufocamento e com automóveis

Este resumo não está disponível. Clique aqui para ver a postagem.

Estudo das Universidades de Colúmbia e de Nebraska revelam que homofóbicos morrem mais cedo

Estados americanos estão adotando leis que proíbem investigações secretas sobre crueldade em matadouros e indústrias relacionadas

quinta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2014

Não use pele verdadeira : eles precisam da deles pra viver !

Postado pela página do Facebook Rizzob McNamaraAnti-Fur Society

Vídeo com experimento demonstrando a inteligência dos corvos

Dois filhotes de camelos resgatados demonstram seu afeto pela equipe de Brightside Farm Sanctuary

Cartaz , texto e links postados pela página do Facebook Animals Australia

Have you ever tried to get on with work only to have the cat curl up on your keyboard, or the dog stare holes into your head with that ‘play with me instead’ gaze? When our animal friends want affection, they tend to have a knack for making you drop everything to give it to them – after all, there’s few things more rewarding than the love of an animal. The team at Brightside Farm Sanctuary know this all too well. They provide refuge to rescued animals of all shapes and sizes, but only recently did they welcome their very first camels – two traumatised calves who were rounded up from the wild, separated from their mothers, and sold at auction ( The boys, Albert and Einstein, have come leaps and bounds after two months of love and care at the sanctuary – craving the affection of their human carers, and settling in as adopted brothers to the many other rescued residents. When Sanctuary director, Emma, is preparing meals for dogs at the farm, Einstein (pictured) positions himself directly in her way, by laying his head and neck along the bench between her and the food – thus ensuring a pat or a cuddle if she wants to get on with her work! "

" After knowing only fear and distress at the hands of humans, these two young camels have learned not only to trust again, but to embrace the love and kindness that all animals deserve. For more pics of the lovable pair, check out " 

" – and be inspired by more stories of kindness and rescue at  "

Doze fatos alarmantes sobre pets abandonados nos EUA

Bebê raposa é escalpelado e achado ainda vivo em fazenda de peles e levado ao veterinário mas não sobrevive

Anti Fur Society Germany

" This little fox baby was found by animal rescuers between the trash of a fur farm in Germany. It was alive and it was hard to believe that this baby obviously survived the skinning. The rescuers took it to the veterinary but the they lost their fight. The fox baby was too injured and died.

This has to be stopped. Don't wear fur. Even the smallest piece of fur. Fur is not a byproduct of the food industry. Animals were and are killed just for this purpose. That humans look good. (That just what they think...) "
(Photo: SOKO Tierschutz)

Evidentemente,devido à foto ser muito chocante,pus apenas o link para a mesma e a postagem da página do Facebook onde foi feita 

Não se pode amar uns e matar outros ...

Postado pela página do Facebook Anti-Fur Society

Estudos com elefantes asiáticos revelam mais sobre a vida emocional destes não humanos

A Ilha dos Coelhos no Japão (bem infelizmente também há o terror com os golfinhos de Taiji , a caça às baleias,etc)

A vida deles não pode depender do paladar humano !

Cartaz , comentário e link postados pela página do Facebook
" What is five minutes worth to YOU?


SHARE if you agree!  "

 Link para o site brasileiro do Instituto Nina Rosa :

Mais um horror da indústria de carne suína : alimentação canibalesca dada aos animais

Trecho do artigo que dá uma ideia das barbaridades que nesta indústria de horrores estão sendo cometidos:

"... It also shows workers gutting dead piglets and turning their intestines into a purée that is then fed back to the mother pigs, or sows. This is meant to immunize the sows against a virus, porcine epidemic diarrhea, or P.E.D., that has ravaged the hog industry, killing millions of piglets. ..."

quarta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2014

Hearts On The Ground: Bring Lakota Children Home

O drama das crianças Lakota (tribo nativa dos EUA) e de muitas outras tribos

Cartaz , comentário e links postados pela página do Facebook Lakota People's Law Project

" For generations, #Lakota children were forcibly seized from their families and placed in boarding schools.

Today, foster children are illegally placed in state institutions and psychiatric facilities, instead of with loving relatives. "

Read more:


Assine a petição da PETA India para pedir a Air India que não transporte mais animais para experiências em laboratórios em seus voos

Cartaz e comentário com link para petição postados pela página do Facebook PETA India
Liked · 23 hours ago 

" Urge Air India to stop shipping animals for use in cruel laboratory experiments.

O resgate de Clarice , a ovelhinha

Conheça Kama , o porquinhoa surfista do Havaí

Plantemos flores para salvar as abelhas !

Cartaz , comentário e links postados pela página do Facebook dirtgirlworld

" Bees are in danger and that means we all are in danger. Please plant some plants that bees love and need in your gardens…and here's a list to help!  "

Illustration by Hannah Rosengren,

A luta e a angústia dos ativistas pelos direitos dos não humanos

Cartaz , texto e link postados pela página do Facebook EVOLVE! Campaigns

" Animal suffering caused by humanity is so vast that it is easy to feel dismayed at its scale and one's seemingly ineffectual struggles to relieve it. How can we tackle feelings of pointless inadequacy and ineptitude we may sometimes feel? We have to arm ourselves with the right attitudes.

Attitude 1: I fight my corner
We must choose a bit of the overall picture and do what we can, no matter how small our effort seems. You are not alone; everyone's input makes for the greater whole.

Attitude 2: I will not be a slave to my emotions
Emotions are not sacrosanct and we can learn to supervise them (if only to put them aside from time to time as best we can). Biologists tell us that our emotions evolved to help our ancestors survive and reproduce (and thus pass on emotion-mediating genes to posterity); and that a key function for having emotions may be that they prioritise our behaviour (for instance, we may be grieving a loss, but when we spot a predator, fear takes first rank, we put grieving aside and flee!). So emotions motivate (not dominate) us and we can strive for a reasonable balance with them.

Attitude 3: Perspective is calming
Cosmologists tell us that we live in an ageless megaverse. What does this mean for animal rights? Animal suffering induced by intelligent creatures exists through eons on endless planets in countless universes. There is nothing we can do about this. Our planet Earth, and our whole universe, is just a fleeting wisp of next to nothingness. We cannot do any more than keep calm and do our best.

Attitude 4: I shall not give up
Often there is no headway changing someone's attitude. Then all we can do is gently try to plant an idea in their mind and hope it matures, perhaps years later, while we set a good example.

Attitude 5: I count my blessings and keep a sense of humour
When all else fails, this always helps!  "


Violence in schools

Teach Your Children Well - A Film About Homophobia and School Violence -...

terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2014

Sophie Scholl : The Final Days um filme que com certeza será inesquecível sobre a Resistência Alemã ao Nazismo na Segunda Guerra Mundial

Em qualquer país e época  , seja por totalitarismos religiosos ou políticos , quando a maioria se deixa levar pela injustiça e pelo falso orgulho , os justos se tornam subversivos e os valores invertidos.

 Links sobre o grupo The White Rose :

 Fotos dos membros do grupo :

 Mais links para páginas em inglês sobre o assunto :

Dez formas de se congratular alguém no aniversário - Site Tecla SAP

Quando der felicitações em atraso :

Países e suas capitais em inglês - Site Inglês Para Leigos