sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013

Cães da pradaria têm alguns hábitos semelhantes aos humanos !


How the oceans can clean themselves: Boyan Slat at TEDxDelft

Benjamin Zephaniah: Why Veganism Is The Ultimate Protest Against Animal ...

Benjamin Zephaniah: Why Veganism Is The Ultimate Protest Against Animal ...

Benjamin Zephaniah: Why Veganism Is The Ultimate Protest Against Animal ...

Eles não são comida, são companheiros na vida !

Pôster , texto de Benjamin Zephaniah e o link para o vídeo postados pela página do Facebook
 CCTV for ALL Slaughterhouses
" “Many of us live with companion animals such as dogs, cats, and rabbits. We share our homes with them, consider them members of the family. We grieve when they die. Yet we kill and eat other animals that if you really think about it are no different from the ones we love. This is known as speciesism - a prejudice against members of different species. Most people don't question their habit of eating animals as they've been brought up to believe it's normal behaviour. But causing suffering should never be considered normal. Behind windowless walls, it's easy to turn a blind eye to the horrific reality of factory farms and slaughterhouses.” 
-Benjamin Zephaniah

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSbnQEw54nw&feature=relmfu


CCTV for ALL Slaughterhouses 

quarta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2013

Orphanet : o site sobre doenças raras


Aproveite e leia também o artigo neste link da Wikipedia em inglês sobre as "orphan drugs" (remédios desenvolvidos para se tratarem especificamente as doenças raras,que são chamadas também de "orphan diseases" )


 Projeto do deputado Jean Wyllys no Brasil :


Vídeo da Globo sobre o assunto :


sexta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2013