sábado, 27 de dezembro de 2014

Os animais de fazenda também tremem perante a violência e sentem tanto medo como dor...

Cartaz, comentário e link postados pela página do Facebook

Liked · May 1 · Edited · 

" Please make the connection.. All animals deserve moral consideration, not just the ones we bring into our homes. "

Earthlings Documentary: www.earthlings.com

Vegan Starter Kit: www.vegankit.com

Não humanos não são matéria-prima mas seres sencientes

Cartaz, texto e links postados pela página do Facebook EVOLVE! Campaigns

" Nonhuman animals are treated as raw materials for the production of commodities. According to law, they are considered things, not persons. When there is public outrage over the treatment of other animals, it usually focuses on certain practices which are deemed unacceptable to humans, rather than being based on what the animals themselves are experiencing, yet if we are to apply our values consistently, there is in fact no difference between humans and nonhumans that is *relevant* to whether or not we should use other conscious creatures as resources. Any characteristic that is used to defend the superiority of humans over other animals also applies to some humans. But we would not call those humans inferior or use them as resources. So all the arguments in defense of devaluing the lives of nonhumans reduce to only one arbitrary characteristic: species membership. "

Animals as resources: http://www.veganism.com/animals-as-resources/

Vegan Starter Kit: www.vegankit.com

Textos perdidos de antigos pesquisadores de contos de fada alemães confirmam estudos de Maria Tatar sobre sua verdadeira natureza.

Link sugerido pela página do Facebook  Covenant of the Goddess


Excelente link interno relacionado ao assunto :


Befana, a bruxinha Noel italiana da noite de Epifania (5 de janeiro)





" La Befana in Rome - Italian Christmas Traditions by Walks of Italy "

Uploaded by the Youtube channel 



Uma pesquisa do Google para os que quiserem poupar tempo:

segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2014

Um sumário das obras de J.R.R. Tolkien

' A brief summary of J.R.R.Tolkien's
for the fantasy-impaired '

Second edition by Jack A. Barker


Os não humanos devem ficar nos nossos corações e não em nossos estômagos

Cartaz postado pelo perfil no Facebook de Heather Michael Leughmyer

Faça de uma vivência vegana seu melhor presente de Natal para os não humanos: eles são senscientes, sentem medo, dor ,falta de afeto e querem viver como nós !

Cartaz, comentário e links para sites com receitas veganas postados pela página do Facebook
Thanks to Facebook buddy Heather Michael Leughmyer for sharing this link !                   

domingo, 21 de dezembro de 2014

Macaco herói salva outro que tinha se eletrocutado em fios de alta tensão em estação de trem na Índia


Agradecimentos à amiga no Facebook Bruna De Farias, que sugeriu o link por meio de postagem de outra página em espanhol.

O veganismo é uma bioética e não apenas uma dieta

Cartaz e citação de Ashley Capps postados pela página do Facebook EVOLVE! Campaigns
Liked · May 29 · Edited · 

" No matter how much we may talk about kindness, no matter how much we may practice it elsewhere, as long as we demand that living, feeling individuals be harmed and killed for our pleasure— as long as we choose violence over compassion— then we do not live a good or just life. Far greater than the sum of our good acts is the trail of blood, suffering and death we wilfully and needlessly leave behind us.  " ~Ashley Capps

O solstício de inverno e o Yuletide nas tradições pagãs europeias


quinta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2014

As indústrias das carnes, leite, peles e ovos são as formas de crueldade aceitas pela sociedade, infelizmente.

Cartaz com citação de Ruth Harrison (autora da obra Animal Machines) e links postados pela página do FacebooEVOLVE! Campaigns
Liked · June 22 · Edited · 

" In fact, if one person is unkind to an animal it is considered to be cruelty, but where a lot of people are unkind to animals, especially in the name of commerce, the cruelty is condoned and, once large sums of money are at stake, will be defended to the last by otherwise intelligent people. ~Ruth Harrison (author of Animal Machines) "


Poemas veganos de Heather Michael Leughmyer


O valor de uma vida senciente não pode depender da sua utilidade para outros

Cartaz com citação de Joanna Lucas, comentário e links postados pela página do Facebook
 EVOLVE! Campaigns
The value of a sentient life is not measured in its utility to others, but in its immense, irreplaceable value to the being whose life it is. ~Joanna Lucas (Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary)


Vegan Starter Kit: www.vegankit.com

Thanks to my Facebook buddy Heather Michael Leughmyer  for sharing this link !

quarta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2014

Eles têm direito à vida

Cartaz, citação de George Bernard Shaw e link postados pela página do Facebook

 EVOLVE! Campaigns
"If a group of beings from another planet were to land on Earth -- beings who considered themselves as superior to you as you feel yourself to be to other animals -- would you concede them the rights over you that you assume over other animals?" ~George Bernard Shaw

Vegan Starter Kit: www.vegankit.com

Este caso de uma vaca que escapara de um matadouro mas acabou ainda assim sendo morta por um policial exemplifica perfeitamente o significado desta citação de George Bernard Shaw, pois mostra a atitude nazista da humanidade para com os não humanos:
Comentário, foto e link para a notícia postados pela página do Facebook
" A terrified cow escaped an Idaho slaughterhouse, jumping a 6-foot fence and ran, only to be shot down by police, taken back to the slaughterhouse, and processed. Like all animals, her will to live was strong and didn't deserve these final moments of terror. "

segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2014

Menino pequeno faz profundas reflexões sobre o universo e questões filosóficas

Compartilhado pela página do Faceboook Deep Web


 Não deixem de assistir ao vídeo : são minutos que nos deixam sentir um pouco dos mistérios da vida e do universo em uma pequena maravilha em si mesma em forma humana.

Agradecimentos à amigado Facebook Cidoca Orestes por compartilhar este vídeo sobre este menino tão especial !

O canto deste pássaro fantástico é maravilhosamente exótico

Vídeo e comentário postados pela página do Facebook

" This bird sounds just like a laser! "


Agradecimentos à amiga do Facebook Cidoca Orestes por compartilhar este link !

Duas vacas procuram confortar uma a outra no matadouro

Foto, comentários e citação de Cayce Mell (do Peaceable Kingdom) com link para vídeo do Youtube dados pela página do Facebook
Esdaw - European Society of Dog and Animal Welfare.


"I have unfortunately been inside slaughterhouses and can tell you that the animals are not willingly walking up to the end of the kill line and sticking their necks out. These animals fight with every bit of strength they have left at the end of that kill line. They don’t want to die and they know it’s coming.”
~ Cayce Mell (Peaceable Kingdom) (Please watch - nothing graphic) -
VIDEO -I Am Scared and Do Not Want To Die (Please watch - nothing graphic) - love and light

Thanks to my Facebook buddy Heather Michael Leughmyer for sharing this link !

domingo, 14 de dezembro de 2014

Uma pata pede ajuda para seus filhotes

Eles sentem como nós, sofrem, amam ...
Vídeo e comentário postados pela página do Facebook Santuário Gaia:

"VIDEO] Mum duck asking for help to rescue her children"


terça-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2014

Howard Lyman, ex-dono de fazenda de gado

Cartaz, comentários e links postados pela página do Facebook
 EVOLVE! Campaigns

" Not, ‘Am I nice to my animals?’ or, ‘Do I feed them well?’ but, ‘My God, should we be eating them?’ I was in the bathroom and I was looking in the mirror: it was so traumatic for me that I damn near tore the sink off the wall.

That was a door of my soul that I had never opened before. And once I’d opened it, I could never close it again because I knew what those animals looked like when they went... onto the kill floor. I knew what was in their eyes, and I was the person putting them there. It was like everything that you believe to be righteous and holy was all of a sudden at risk. Could I actually allow my mind to sort through that?

And did I have the intestinal fortitude to know the difference and to make a change? Do you go to your wife when you have a multimillion dollar operation and say, ‘Wait a minute: I think what we are doing is wrong’? I realized that my livelihood was built on sand. Everything I’d believed in my entire life was at risk because there I was with a business built on killing animals. t risk because there I was with a business built on killing animals. Most of my family thought I was nuts: they still do." ~Howard Lyman

  A former Montana cattle rancher, Howard Lyman is a world-renowned public speaker, author, and animal advocate. Read more about him: http://www.humanemyth.org/howardlyman.htm

Read about more former meat and dairy farmers who became vegan activists: http://freefromharm.org/animal-products-and-ethics/former-meat-dairy-farmers-became-vegan-activists/
See More

segunda-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2014

Queijos veganos : a solução para os que amam queijos mas querem adotar o veganismo

Cartazes, comentário e links postados pela página do Facebook
"I recognize that cheese is addictive and for many people, giving it up can be difficult. If you find yourself craving animal cheese, remember that it’s just temporary and it will pass. In time, you’ll likely find that you don’t miss it in the least. For me, what ultimately helped was changing my way of thinking. I didn't think of 'giving up cheese,' rather, I thought of 'giving up animal cruelty....' And that made all the difference." ~Jo Tyler

" I Couldn’t Give Up Cheese, So I Gave Up Animal Cruelty Instead: "

EVOLVE! Campaigns

'  Cheese-aholic? Pledge to be a compassionate cheese-oholic instead by swapping the cruelty and suffering involved with dairy for these delicious vegan cheeses which harm none..

Rae Sikora says: "Cheese-aholics, I totally understand! I am a complete cheese-aholic. But, for the last three decades I have chosen to be a compassionate cheese-aholic and I do not consume any animal products. So, now, I ...can have my "cheese" and eat it too! If you LOVE goat cheese, try the recipe below... it will make you so happy and it is easy to make. If you just want something to buy at the store, get Daiya cheese and make lasagna, burritos, quesadillas, grilled cheese sandwiches.... you get the picture. Others, add your comments about your favorite compassionate vegan cheese recipes and ideas! Let's get everyone on FB off the cheese addiction!" '

" Pepper-Crusted Cashew Goat Cheese
Cashews become very creamy and smooth when blended, which makes them perfect for this cheese. It's aged at room temperature, then baked just until dry to the touch.

¾ cup raw cashews
¼ cup lemon juice
1 Tbs. tahini
1 ¼ tsp. salt
1 tsp. coarsely ground black pepper

1. Place cashews in large bowl; cover with 3 inches water. Soak overnight.
2. Drain liquid, rinse cashews under cold water, and drain again. Purée cashews, lemon juice, tahini, salt, and 2 Tbs. water in food processor 6 minutes, or until smooth and creamy.
Spoon cashew mixture into three layers of cheesecloth. Fold sides of cloth over cheese, and form into 6-inch-long oval loaf. Let it sit out for about 8
3. Dehydrate until firm on the outside, but soft on the inside. Time depends on the temperature that you use for the dehydration. If you don’t have a dehydrator, you can bake for 35 minutes at 200 degrees.
4. Unwrap cheese. Sprinkle with peppercorns, pressing to adhere. "

More links:
Groundbreaking, Game Changing Vegan Cheese Is Here:
Vegan "Cheese" Recipes and Ideas:
14 Vegan Cheeses That Will Make You Forget About The Real Thing:
2013 Was My Epic Year Of Vegan Cheese Making! And Now, The Vegan Cheese Book
Showdown: It’s Artisan Vegan Cheese V. The Non-Dairy Formulary:

Vegan cheeses you can buy (USA)

Vegan cheeses you can buy (UK)
See More

Quando as manchas de sangue são mais importantes para os pais do que o sofrimento do bebê há algo errado

Comentário e links postados pela página intactivista do Facebook

Saving Our Sons
Link da postagem com o cartaz

"For all those who ask how to keep blood off cloth diapers, but refuse to research circumcision or the purposes of the prepuce... If you care more about your cloth stash than your son, is there something wrong?

" The bloodshed of circumcision damages far more than cloth diapers..."


" [Thank you to Lindsey of Know Better, Do Better Birth Services for sharing her son's cloth picture with us.] "

Cuidados com o bebê intacto : nunca forçar a retração do prepúcio

Link dado pela página do Facebook  Saving Our Sons

domingo, 7 de dezembro de 2014

Raposas domesticadas, da Federação Russa para os E.U.A.

Claro que não sou a favor da criação em gaiolas mas nada é ideal neste mundo e creio que, se fosse hoje em dia, os métodos teriam sido outros mas o fato é que as gerações resultantes do selecionamento genético existem e são agora animais domésticos.


sábado, 6 de dezembro de 2014

Mais links de telepatas que se comunicam com os animais não humanos


Como fazer um banquete de Natal com receitas adaptadas por Jamie Oliver !


Agradecimentos à amiga no Facebook Claudia Gonzaga Christian por ter indicado este link !

Seis casos impressionantes de resgates de cães e gatos feitos pela PETA


 Nota :

O adjetivo coposto "gut-wrenching" pode ser também traduzido como "angustiante",  "comovente", "visceral", "chocante" ou até pela expressão popular "de torcer as tripas", de acordo com o contexto formal ou coloquial. Embora um adjetivo composto em geral tenha significado distinto das partes que o compõem, neste caso, os significados individuais forma um sentido figurativo facilmente depreendido das partes.





sexta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2014

Mais uma vítima do bullying homofóbico : Ronim Shimizu, de apenas 12 anos...


A verdade sobre a carne do abate dito "humanitário", ovos e leite orgânicos

O que realmente acontece com os não humanos da indústria de carnes obtidas pelo chamado abate " humanitário", dos ovos e leite orgânicos mostrada em uma sátira em vídeo da PETA.
Comentário da página >

" Humane meat? Cage Free? Organic? "

  Watch this quick video & you’ll feel so much better about what you’re eating : "



Sistemas de escrita








Obra "The Shape of Script - How and Why Writing Systems Change" Edited by Stephen D. Houston


Link para download grátis de trecho do livro (lembrar sempre as leis de direitos autorais em qualquer reprodução na web )


Há sempre muitos links bons, estão foram apenas alguns dos muitos interessantes disponíveis na web.

Aqui vai um link de pesquisa no Google para os que quiserem poupar tempo mas a pesquisa em outros sites de busca também é aconselhável.
