segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2020

Revelações sobre correspondência de Chopin com seu amigo de infância, Tytus Woyciechowski, apontam para um relacionamento claramente romântico entre eles.

Chopin’s love letters to men ‘deliberately’ hushed up, claims new programme

27 November 2020, 09:13

 "Chopin's interest in men airbrushed from history, programme claims"

 Journalist says he has found overt homoeroticism in Polish composer’s letters

Love letters that were ‘deliberately erased from history’ LILY WAKEFIELD NOVEMBER 28, 2020

Chopin’s letters showing ‘flood of declarations of love aimed at men’ were deliberately ignored by biographers, according to new report

The Mystery Of Composer Frédéric Chopin's Gay Love Letters That Sparks Debate

30 Nov 2020  Tim Editor

E o link para as cartas de Chopin no site oficial.
Many thanks to Redditor antropod00 for giving this link1

Atualização (06/12/2020)

Eu estava apenas esperando a autorização de um dos dois comentaristas poloneses (o outro já havia dado seu consentimento) com quem troquei algumas mensagens numa postagem de um subreddit sobre o assunto. Acho importante que as pessoas possam ter opiniões divergentes de nativos que dominam o idioma para que elas mesmas possam tirar suas próprias conclusões sobre o assunto.

De minha parte, penso que talvez nunca venhamos a saber a verdade sobre este aspecto da vida de Chopin mas a probabiliade de ele ser, na verdade, bissexual me pareceu bem alta, mas, com certeza ou isto ou homoafetivo pois apenas heterossexual como querem nos fazer crer os homofóbicos acho extremamente improvável.

Many thanks to Redditors antropod00 and mikorbu for allowing me to reproduce their comments on the thread of the posting on Chopin's letters on the subreddit LGBTNews!

Comentários dois dois poloneses sobre o assunto:

antropod00 wrote:

 5 days ago

" ... First of all there is no storm in Poland and Weber is literally reinventing the wheel. Letters to Delfina Potocka are regarded fake nowadays because they were overtli erotic, vulgar, absolutely not in Chopin's style."


'It's not true that there is not proof of Chopin's feeling towards women. He was many times writing to Tytus about his feeling to Konstancja Gładkowska, singer from Warsaw, calling her "his ideal": '


   " Ale taka ładna panna była, co mi mój ideał bardzo przypominała"


'"There was pretty young miss, she reminded me my ideal very much"'


    "Sam zapewne czujesz potrzebę moją powrotu do Wiednia, nie dla panny Blachetki, o której, ile mi się zdaje, pisałem, jest to osoba młoda, ładna, grająca, bo ja już może na nieszczęście mam mój ideał, któremu wiernie, nie mówiąc z nim już pół roku, służę, który mi się śni, na którego pamiątkę stanęło adagio od mojego koncertu, który mi inspirował tego walczyka dziś rano, co ci posyłam"


'"You probably feel the need for my return to Vienna, not for Miss Blachetka, whom I think I wrote about, she's a young, pretty, playing person, because perhaps unfortunately I have my ideal already, who faithfully, not speaking with him for half a year now, I have been serving, who I dream of, in memory of which was the adagio from my concert, which inspired me to thiz waltz this morning, which I am sending to you"'


"Chopin and Konstancja even exchanged engagement rings, nonetheless Konstancja ended the affair, and unfortunately burned all letter from Fryderyk."

 'Chopin also later (1836) proposed to Maria Wodzińska in Dresden, his childhood friend. He composed a song "Pierścień" (A ring) and two etiudes for her, she painted his portrait. Chopin was even accepted "on a trial period", unfortunetely eventually was turned down for similiar reason as with Konstancja. Chopin kept letters from Maria and her family to his last days, labelled as "moja bieda" (my misery).'

Sobre minha pergunta se ele acha que Chopin poderá ter sido bissexual, ele me respondeu:

"I mean it's entirely possible, there was certainly deep affection between him and Tytus, if it wasn't romantic, it was certainly very strong, intimate friendship. It's unfortunate that Tytus letters didn't survive."

"We just need to keep in mind that language have changed, and men were addressing differently at that time; also Chopin's letters are written in a certain style, sometimes hard to understand even for native speakers. He jumps between topics, leaves thoughts unended, loses the subject in the sentence and so on. They are difficult to translate."

 'I also don't like the whole narrative "in your face Poles!", like it's suppose to what? Ruin Chopin for Polish people? idk what this guys are smoking, but as I said earlier it's nothing new or shocking. "Desperate Poles" ffs.'

O mesmo Redditor lembrou a todos, em resposta a outro comentarista que, no site oficial, as cartas estão disponíveis com o original e a maioria com traduções inglesas inclusive:


"Dude, his entire correspondence is published on National Chopin's Institute page for years in original form and most of them are even translated to English.

 This is literally nothing new."

Ele também dá o link exato para a seção onde se encontram as cartas no site:

Ele também dá uma tradução mais acurada de certo trecho que haviam postado nos comentários com outra interpretação:


" You don’t like being kissed. Please allow me to do so today. You have to pay for the dirty dream I had about you last night."

 'It's not the best translation, the original part is as follows:'

 " Idę się umywać, nie całuj mię teraz, bom się jeszcze nie umył. – Ty? chociażbym się olejkami wysmarował bizantyjskimi, nie pocałowałbyś, gdybym ja Ciebie magnetycznym sposobem do tego nie przymusił. Jest jakaś siła w naturze. Dziś Ci się śnić będzie, że mnie całujesz. Muszę Ci oddać za szkaradny sen, jakiś mi dziś w nocy sprowadził."

 'Which should be translated as:'

 "I'm going to wash, don't kiss me now, for I haven't washed yet. - you? even if I spread Byzantine oils on myself, you would not kiss me if I did not force you to do so in a magnetic way. There is some force in nature. Today you will dream that you are kissing me. I must pay you back for the hideous dream you brought on me tonight."

E, finalmente, o comentário de outro Redditor polonês, com sua perspectiva bem distinta do supracitado:

"Native Pole here— you would be very and I mean VERY hard-pressed to make these musings and letters out to be anything but what they obviously are. His choice of words when speaking of men— especially his closest one— were entirely flirty, suggestive, and downright vulgar and erotic to say the least."

"His vocabulary towards women (which he rarely wrote full letters about regardless, so we can see what subject he takes most interest in cough) were extremely mild, respectful, and rarely any form of vulgar. He wrote of them with a familial kinship, and as muses for his craft."

"Poland lays claim to few world-changing people, but as a highly nationalistic place (in response to nearly being wiped off the map multiple times/USSR/Hitler etc) they’ll warp the entirety of history and Chopin’s life so that he can be one of their ideal cis-het white men that talk about women as objects of sexual gratification (since why else would Chopin ever talk about girls he’s one the boys duhhh /s)"

"And don’t even get me started on the hypocrisy of persecuting their LGBTQ+ after their history. This is why the protests are so massive and widespread, and why both women’s rights and other coalitions have joined up with the LGBTQ+ community to support one another. History can’t be allowed to repeat itself."

 Thanks again to both Redditors for their most interesting insights, enriching the discussion!

Se você ainda não viu ou gostaria de rever, a clássica animação de Ralph Bakshi de 1978 de The Lord of the Rings foi postada completa no Youtube

The Lord of the Rings [animated 1978] - The Fellowship of the Ring 

A Ralph Bakshi production

PDF (gratuito) no site "In Other Words --A Coursebook on Translation" de Mona Baker

  “IN OTHER WORDS--A Coursebook on Translation” de Mona Baker

Postado pelo perfil de Ernst Wendland in

Descrição da obra dada na apresentação do livro:

"In Other Words has been the definitive coursebook for students studying translation for nearly three decades. 

Assuming no knowledge of foreign languages, it offers a practical guide based on extensive research in areas as varied as lexis, grammar, pragmatics, semiotics and ethics. 

It thus provides a solid basis for training a new generation of well-informed, critical students of translation. 

Drawing on linguistic theory and social semiotics, the third edition of this best-selling text guides trainee translators through the variety of decisions they will have to make throughout their career. 

Each chapter offers an explanation of key concepts, identifi es potential sources of translation diffi culties related to those concepts and illustrates various strategies for resolving these diffi culties. 

Authentic examples of translated texts from a wide variety of languages and genres are examined, and practical exercises and further reading are included at the end of each chapter. 

The third edition has been fully revised to refl ect recent developments in the field and includes a new chapter that engages with the interplay between verbal and visual elements in genres as varied as children’s literature, comics, film, poetry and advertisements. 

This key text remains the essential coursebook for any student of translation studies. Mona Baker is Professor Emerita of Translation Studies at the University of Manchester, UK, and Director of the Shanghai Jiao Tong Baker Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies, China ( She is Founding Vice President of the International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS, 2004–2015)"

Uma linda animação em 2D com uma das mais fieis versões do épico sagrado hindu Ramayana (produção indo-japonesa de 1992, dirigida e produzida por Yugo Sako).Versão dublada em inglês Ramayana The Animated Movie in English. A Yugo Sako/Ram Mohan film

No copyright infringement intended. Shared for sole educational purpose
Many thanks to the Youtube channel Chnakyan for this upload!

Artigo da Wikipédia em inglês sobre esta maravilhosa produção:

Outro artigo muito interessante sobre esta icônica produção:

Atualização: Acabei de receber a gentil sugestão de uma postagem da mesma animação em melhor qualidade de imagem e com legendas (em inglês), o que facilita muito mais o entendimento!
Many thanks to Redditor J7MB0  for this amazing suggestion!

domingo, 29 de novembro de 2020

Vários links sobre o Holocausto sugeridos pelo curso "Teaching the Holocaust" da University College London na Plataforma Future Learn

Vídeos do Youtube por eles recomendados:

sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2020

Uma balada iídiche escrita em 1916 sobre a pandemia da época em excelente performance de Svetlana Kundish & Daniel Kahn (letra original com tradução inglesa linha por linha na tela)Mentshn-Fresser (1916 Yiddish Pandemic Ballad) feat. Sveta Kundish & Dan...

No copyright infringement intended. Shared for sole educational purpose.

Artigo sobre a gravação pelo duo:

"Yiddish Artist Repurposes 1916 Yiddish Song That Speaks to Today" By Suzanne Chessler

Excerto do artigo: 

'... Kahn, who launched his career while growing up in Farmington Hills, has developed a video centered on the Yiddish song “Mentshn-Fresser” (“Devourer of Mankind”), written by Solomon Small (Smulewitz) in 1916 to communicate the brutal environment brought about by tuberculosis. Kahn has revived the song to comment on COVID-19. ...'

Mais um link sobre estes excelentes artistas:

Mais uma canção icônica da cultura secular iidiche: Bay mir bistu sheyn, cantada no original iídiche e em inglês (letra original, traduções inglesa e alemã no link.

Eu vinha procurando um site que trouxesse a letra original como realmente está sendo cantada (muitos vídeos e páginas com aúdio contêm versões que não combinam exatamente com o texto em iídiche) e finalmente encontrei um cuja gravação, excetuando-se por apenas uma pequena palavra, reproduz, de fato, o que está escrito. 

Cabe ainda observar que as transliterações do iídiche no alfabeto romano nem sempre seguem o critério fonético, algumas pequenas diferenças sendo notadas (algumas vezes o 'a' soa como 'o', etc), mas se parecem muito mais com o valor que damos em português às vogais que mesmo os dados em língua inglesa.

Jiddische Lieder Texte und Materialien zu den Liedern von Tangoyim

Para ouvir o áudio, basta clicar na seta da barra de áudio:

Bay mir bistu sheyn
Odessa-Projekt, CD "Liza"

A única palavra que a intérprete canta diferente da letra é 'tsu' (ressaltada em cor laranja), que na gravação se escuta como 'da'.

Ven du zolst sayn shvarts vi a toter,
Ven du host oygn vi bay a koter,
Un ven du hinkst
 *tsu bislekh,
host hiltserne fislekh,
zog ikh: dos art mikh nit.
un ven du host a narishem shmeykhl,
un ven du host vayzosos seykhl,
ven du bist vild vi indianer
bist afile galitsianer
zog ikh: dos art mikh nit.

REFRAIN: yiddish
Bay mir bistu sheyn, bay mir hos tu kheyn,
bay mir bistu eyner oyf der velt.
Bay mit bistu git, bay mir hostu it,
bay mir bistu tayerer fun gelt.
Fil sheyne yingelekh hobn shoyn gevolt nemen mikh,
un fun zey ale oysgeklibn hob ikh nor dikh.
Bay mir bistu sheyn, bay mir hostu kheyn,
bay mir bistu tayerer fun gelt.

REFRAIN: englisch
Bay mir bistu sheyn, please let me explain,
bay mir bistu sheyn means, that you're grand.
Bay mir bistu sheyn, again I'll explain
it means, you're the favourest in the land.
I could say "bella bella" even say "wunderbar",
each language only helps me tell you, how grand you are.
I try to explain, bay mir bistu sheyn,
so kiss me and say, you understand.

Text: Jacob Jacobs
Musik: Sholom Secunda


Nota:Como o site é alemão, eles dão também a tradução neste idioma (alto alemão/ high German/ Hoch Deutsch) na página, após o trecho em língua inglesa

Preciosidade da cultura iídiche secular: a canção Odessa mama - Aaron Lebedeff (letra em iídiche e tradução inglesa dadas no texto)

No copyright infringement intended. Shared for sole educational purpose.
Letra iídiche e tradução inglesa gentilmente cedidas pelo canal do Youtube sasha365i

Odessa mama - Aaron Lebedeff

Ver es iz nor nit geven In der sheyner shtot Odess Hot di velt gor nit gezeyn Un er veyst nit fun progress. Vos mir Vin un vos Pariz, Blotte, khoyzik, kayn farglaykh, Nor Odess ot dortn iz A Gan Eydn, zog ikh aykh. Dort in a traktir Derlangt men aych bir Un farbaysen dertsi A frishe skrumbli Bashmala un balik Un tsu dem a shashlik; Mit a git glezl vayn - Vos ken beser nokh zayn? Oy, Odessa Mama, Bist mir tayr lib on shir. Oy, Odessa Mama, Gevald ikh benk nokh dir! Oy, Odessa Mama, Ver ken dikh fargesen, ver? Oy, Odessa Mama, Ikh ze dokh dir nisht mer. Oy, Odessa Mama, Ikh benk nokh dir un shver: Dayne gasn, trotuaren Zaynen prekhtig, lekhtig, sheyn. Di kafeyen, di bulvaren, Dos fargesen ken men neyn. Di sharbankes, di tzigankes, Mit dem tuml-ta-ra-ram, Di hoteln, di mamzeln Ligt mir nokhyetst in tam. Oy, Odessa Mama, Bist mir tayr lib on shir. Oy, Odessa Mama, Gevald ikh benk nokh dir! Oy, Odessa Mama, Ver ken dikh fargesen, ver? Oy, Odessa Mama, Ikh ze dokh dir nisht mer. Oy, Odessa Mama, Ikh benk nokh dir un shver: Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, Dos fargesn ken men neyn Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, Vi volt ikh gevolt dikh zeyn! Hop tidl dam ti stidl didl dam ti... Oy, Odess-Odessa Mama, Bist di shenste panorame; Yedr eyner hot dikh shtark geshetst. Di fantanen, restoranen, Haynt Odessa di limanen! Ver veyst vos iz gevorn fun dir yetst? Odess, Odess, ikh benk nokh dir - Odess! Translation Whoever has not been In the beautiful city of Odessa Has not seen the world And knows nothing of progress Who cares for Vienna of Paris, They're puddles, jokes, no comparison Only in Odessa is A Paradise, I say. There in a restaurant They serve you beer And with it a bite Of fresh skrumbli Bashmala and balik And with them a shashlik With a good glass of wine - What could be better? Oh, Mother Odessa, You're forever dear to me. Oh, Mother Odessa, How I long for thee! Oh, Mother Odessa, Who can forget you? Oh, Mother Odessa, I see you no more. Oh, Mother Odessa, I long for you and vow: Your avenues, promenades Are light, beautiful. The cafes, the boulevards, One can never forget. The carriages, the gypsies, The tumult, ta-ra-ram, The hotels, the young ladies Still are on my mind. Oh, Mother Odessa, You're forever dear to me. Oh, Mother Odessa, How I long for thee! Oh, Mother Odessa, Who can forget you? Oh, Mother Odessa, I long for you and vow: Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, One cannot forget. Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, How I should like to see you again! Hop tidl dam ti stidl didl dam ti..... Oh, Odess-Odessa Mother, You are the most beautiful panorama; Everyone treasured you dearly. The cabarets, restaurants, You will still remember today Who knows what has become of you? Odessa, Odessa, I long for you!

quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2020

Uma promoção imperdível: a edição digital (Kindle) da obra: "The Life and Adventures of John Nicol, Mariner" by John Nicol (Author) por apenas $0.97 cents!

Só para dar uma ideia do quão barato está, mesmo com a absurda taxa do dólar em relação ao nosso real, a edição física da obra em capa dura está custando $39.99!

Portanto, corra e aproveite, antes que o preço aumente:

“The Life and Adventures of John Nicol, Mariner” by John Nicol  (Author)

Para os que não conhecem ainda a história, se trata das memórias de um marinheiro nascido na Escócia que trabalhou no navio inglês Lady Juliana, enviado para a atual Austrália, no final do século 18, com a finalidade de levar mulheres para a então colônia da Nova Gales do Sul (New South Wales), e que acabou por tomar destino inusitado.

Consta que o navio fez paradas demoradas em Cabo Verde, Cabo da Boa Esperança e até no Rio de Janeiro!

Um relato verídico de inestimável valor histórico, sociológico e antropológico, uma verdadeira aventura na teia do tempo pelos meandros dramáticos de nossa torturada espécie.

Artigos sobre o famoso navio:

"Voyage of the Courtesans-The Lady Juliana And The New World" June 18, 2008

Excertos do artigo: 

" ... The women slept in the orlop deck, just above the ship’s bilge, which contained the ship’s holding water, human waste, and remnants of food. Despite such hardships, the ship’s conditions may have seemed preferable to many of the women compared with those they had left behind in London’s prisons. For some of these women, the journey to Sydney Cove itself offered an opportunity for them to better their positions. Women who became “wives” of crewmembers aboard the ship could get access to better provisions and sleeping arrangements. Some women, like Elizabeth Barnsley — a wealthy and successful shoplifter convicted of theft — used their money and influence to procure better lodging and even to create business opportunities on the ship. ..."

Lady Juliana by Penny Edwell 2016

supported by The Maritime Museums of Australia Project Support Scheme - Second Fleet project

Um vídeo:

 The Lady Juliana | The 18th-Century All-Women Prison Ship

Free Settler or Felon - Convict Ship Lady Juliana 1790

Outra obra, infelizmente, não há edição digital ainda deste livro:

“The Floating Brothel : The Extraordinary True Story of an 18Th-Century Ship and Its Cargo of Female Convicts” by Sian Rees  (Author)

"The floating brothel: The most scandalous convict ship of all

The Lady Juliana’s voyage to Australia has gone down in history as one of the most salacious voyages ever, with most woman arriving pregnant."

 Mais um link:


Atualização (15/01/2021)

Documentário completo da BBC -Timewatch: The Floating Brothel

Palestra imperdível de William G. Dever sobre sua fascinante obra "Did God Have a Wife?: Archaeology and Folk Religion in Ancient Israel" (em inglês norte-americano sem legendas em português)

No copyright infringement indented, shared for sole educational purpose.

segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2020

Pratique seu inglês aprendendo sobre este fascinante novo ramo da ciência: a biologia quântica (entrevista em vídeo em inglês norte-americano): Quantum Biology: The Hidden Nature of Nature

No copyright infringement intended. Shared for sole educational purpose.

Para os que ainda não dominam o idioma o suficiente para entender o vídeo, eis aqui um PDF gratuito em português sobre o assunto:

“Um grande aplauso para a biologia quântica” por Jim Al-Khalili

domingo, 22 de novembro de 2020

Uma linda canção em variante da língua Platt (Low Saxon) com tradução inglesa: cantada por Knut Kiesewetter - Fresenhof - Live 1976

No copyright infringement intended, shared for sole educational purpose

Many thanks to Redditor PlattMeester for kindly giving the English translation!

When the wind blows through the trees
And grass does not grow anymore
And already becomes yellow, then the time will come soon.
When the storm goes over the field
Where for a long time no grains were standing anymore
And the flour gets empty, then the time comes soon.

That the day gets shorter and the night lasts long,
And the neighbors children, they get afraid in the dark.
When the rain drops from the thatched roof
My son runs faster outside,
Otherwise he gets wet, then the cat purrs inside (the house).

When the wind turns, from the north blows,
And rain hits against the windows,
Runs down the windowpane, then I feel good.
When the fire burns in the fire place,
And everyone calls you by your first name,
Because he knows you, then our house is full.

Because the neighbors also don't like to be alone in this time,
And with tea punch at the fire the weather gets nice again.
When the leaves color themselves brown,
And water stands in the ditch,
Then it will be autumn, on our frisian farmyard.

sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2020

O documentário sobre a morte da ativista vegana Regan Russel: There Was a Killing (Film)

Há uma cena extremamente chocante do corpo da ativista após o trágico incidente, desaconselhável a portadores de problemas cardíacos ou quaisquer outras condições físicas ou psicológicas que possam comprometer sua saúde ao assistir à filmagem.

Go Cruelty-Free This Holiday Season

quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2020

Uma versão de "Every Breath You Take" em um dos dialetos da língua Low Saxon (Platt) com tradução inglesa literal! Allens wat du deist (Every Breath You Take auf Plattdeutsch)

No copyright infringement intended, share for sole educational purpose.

A tradução inglesa foi gentilmente cedida pelo usuário do Reddit PlattMeester, que observa ser uma tradução mais literal, o que é muito útil para estudos comparativos, embora normalmente o ideal em traduções seja outro.

Thanks to PlattMeester for the English translation!

Everything (that) you do
Everything where you are turning (or doing) on
Everywhere you go
Everything you are standing on (meaning what you like)
I am with you

It happens day after day
It happens (or works) with noise and noise (both words mean roughly the same, it's a common way of emphasizing)
It happens (or works) easily
It happens hit on hit (meaning rapidly)
I am with you

Oh, can you not see?
I don't want anyone else
My heart aches
When I merely see you

Every way you go
Every flower you sow
Every child you caress
And if you run away
I am with you

You are away - I don't know, from where, where to
In my dreams - everywhere I can know of you
I look around
Can simply not find you
Everything is so cold
From head to toes
Un so I scream, I scream, I scream:

(2x repeat: ) Everything (that) you do
Everything where you are turning (or doing) on
Everywhere you go
I am with you"