quarta-feira, 22 de abril de 2015

Duas lindas linda canções sobre o genocídio armênio, expressando a imensa dor da tragédia histórica com pungente beleza.

"Inga and Anush Arshakyans - Aprelu April"


Tradução inglesa do original armênio dada pelo canal do Youtube que postou o vídeo:
Published on Apr 18, 2015

    Director: David Babayan
    Performers: Inga and Anush Arshakyans
    Lyrics by Avet Barseghyan
    Music by Mané Hakobyan
    Arranged by Martin Mirzoyan

    "Dedicated to Armenian Genocide Centennial."

    "A fresh wound, just one century old one
    Songs are still alive from my homesickness
    Home, dreaming of you sleepless
    Home calls me back in my dreams.

    Let the beg and cry heard from my homeland
    Be the brutal hangman for your guilty soul
    Death, you’ve defeated me for a while
    But my destiny has been to be alive.

    My heart was broken by a sword, but I survived due to love
    No garden is remained, but new plants have been grown
    No monastery can be found, but I still pray for you
    My Lord, deliver me and my nation from evil.

    The ancient breath of my land is in my blood,
    I will still carry the blossomed old cross
    We live and we will flourish,
    As the life order for Armenians is to be alive.

    My heart was broken by a sword, but I survived due to love
    No garden is remained, but new plants have been grown
    No monastery can be found, but I still pray for you
    My Lord, deliver me and my nation from evil

    My soul won’t die, since my belief guides me
    My holy prayer
    From my native land I will be born again
    A drop of Armenian spring
    April for living.

    My heart was broken by a sword, but I survived due to love
    No garden is remained, but new plants have been grown
    No monastery can be found, but I still pray for you
    My Lord, deliver me and my nation from evil
    Forever, forever, forever, forever, forever..."
    (Translator: Tatevik Hovhannisyan)

    Observação: Tomei a liberdade de retirar um 'l' de holy prayer, pois, me fez mais sentido no texto (prece sacra, literalmente em inglês). Holly seria uma planta, o azevinho, muito usada em decorações natalinas na Europa, e, se fosse esta, seria, então, uma metáfora mas não me parece ter sido este a intenção do autor na letra, pelo restante da canção.

    "Obs.: Ainda estou tentando conseguir a tradução inglesa para esta, assim que a obtiver, a postarei aqui)


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