domingo, 18 de setembro de 2016

Canção de ninar russa (letra em alfabeto cirílico e tradução inglesa, ambas em texto) Колыбельная (HD) - lullaby - Елена Светлова

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Agradecimentos à amiga do Facebook Hannah Finholdt por ter compartilhado este lindo vídeo no seu grupo a língua russa .o russo . pусский язык no mesmo site!

Letra e tradução inglesa postadas pelo canal do vídeo no Youtube.

Letra russa com tradução inglesa verso por verso
За окном поют сверчки,
Crickets are singing outside the window

Вьются в стайках светлячки,
flocks of glowworms are flying by,

Котик спит у ног,
the kitty is sleeping at my feet

Засыпай и тысынок.
fall asleep you too, my son

Уведëт нас сон с тобой
The dream will lead us

По тропиночке лесной
on the path, through the forest

Будем мы гулять,
We will walk around (stroll)

Землянику собирать.
and pick strawberries

Земляники наберëм
We will pick strawberries

И венок тебе сплетëм
and twine you a wreath

Из цветов лесных -
with wild flowers

Незабудок голубых.
with blue forget-me-nots (flowers)

В чаще озеро блеснëт,
In the depth, the lake will sparkle

Ветер лодочку качнëт,
the wind will touch the boat

Поплывëм на ней
we will sale on it

Мы за парой лебедей.
to chase a pair of swans

Белых лилий хоровод
White lilies´ dance

*Встретит нас на глади вод
we will see on the surface of (the) water

*NotaNão estudo russo há muitos anos - e só o fiz por apenas quase quatro anos, até meados de 1980 - mas, mesmo assim, posso afirmar que este verbo seria melhor traduzido nesta letra como 'dar boas vindas (ou seja, receber com carinho, fraternalmente, etc)', no sentido do verbo inglês 'to welcome'. 
 O sentido principal e mais comum do verbo russo "встретитьé o de  'encontrar-se (com)' ('to meet', em inglêse, nesta canção, me parece mais ter sido usado com o sentido de 'dar boas vindas, recepcionar."

Continuando com a  letra:

Рыбка вглубь нырнëт,
(a) fish will dive deep

Шумно хвостиком плеснëт.
splashing with its tail

Запоëт вдали рожок,
Far away the horn will sing

Позовëт нас на лужок,
It's calling us to the meadow

Где пасëтпасëт
where the little shepherd

Козовечек пастушок.
pastures goats and sheeps

Каждый день **манит сюда
Every day they (are) *attracted here
**Tenho a impressão de que, embora 'to attract" possa ser realmente dado como tradução para o verbo russo "манит" nesta letra, talvez 'to entice" (atrair com encanto, seduzir, etc) dê uma tradução mais expressiva, em termos poéticos, já que 'to lure' teria uma conotação algo sombria de armadilha e 'to beckon' algo distinta do que me parece ser o sentido dado no verso).

Continuando com a letra:

Их зелëная трава.
by the green grass

И ручей лесной
And the forest stream

С чистойсвежею водой.
With clean fresh water

На закате пастушок
At the sunset the little shepherd

Козовечек поведëт
will lead his goats and sheeps

По своим домам
To their homes

Каждый вечер ждут их там.
Someone's waiting for them in their homes

Ночью им сверчки споют
At the sunset the little shepherd

Колыбельную свою
their lullaby

Спи и тыродной,
You too should sleep my little son

Засыпайсыночек мой.
Fall asleep my baby boy"

Tradução inglesa:

"Crickets are singing outside the window
flocks of glowworms are flying by,
the kitty is sleeping at my feet
fall asleep you too, my son

The dream will lead us
on the path, through the forest
We will walk around
and pick strawberries

We will pick strawberries
and twine you a wreath
with wild flowers
with blue forget-me-not flowers

In the depth the lake will sparkle
the wind will touch the boat
we will sale on it
to chase a pair of swans

White lilly's dance
we will see on the surface of (the) water
(a) fish will dive deep
splashing with its tail

Far away the horn will sing
It's calling us to the meadow
where the little shepherd
pastures goats and sheeps

Every day they (are) attracted here
by the green grass
And the forest stream
With clean fresh water

At the sunset the little shepherd
will lead his goats and sheeps
To their homes
Someone's waiting for them in their homes

The crickets will sing for them tonight
their lullaby
You too should sleep my little son
Fall asleep my baby boy"

O vídeo no site Vimeo:

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